On 1 May 2018, the SUN Movement Pooled Fund Grant Programme has released its Call for Proposals (CFP). The tender period will close on 31 May 2018. Interested applicants may access and download the grant guidelines and application from the United Nations Global Marketplace . Eligible applicants are civil society organizations that are members of a SUN Country Civil Society Alliance (CSA) who have not received financial support from the Nutrition Advocacy Fund in 2018 or any other funding source. Only substantially compliant applications will be considered. Please read the CFP in its entirety for complete details on applicant eligibility and evaluation prior to completing an application.

The SUN Movement Pooled Fund was formulated in 2017 as a last resort, catalytic source of grant funding to support SUN Civil Society Alliance activities at the national and subnational level. The grants will be implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The recommendations of the SUN Civil Society Network members, the SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap (2016-2020), and the lessons learned from the Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) have informed the design of the grant program.

UNOPS intends to make approximately 20 grants of up to USD 114,000 each. The funds will support the 2018 Funding Window One, which aims to “strengthen participation by in-country non-state stakeholders (civil society, private sector actors, academics, and journalists, among others) and parliamentarians in national multi-stakeholder platforms to implement scale up nutrition plans.”

Completed applications are due by (15:00 GMT+2) on 31 May 2018. Only electronic submissions in English, French, or Spanish will be considered.
All requests for clarifications and submission documents must be sent to sungrants@unops.org

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