ETH-04 – Strengthening the role of the National Nutrition Program (NNP II) Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Committee to effectively monitor, evaluate and coordinate utilization of Multi-Sectoral nutrition information in Ethiopia

Overall objective
The overall objective of this TA is to strengthen the capacity of EPHI Food Science and Nutrition Research Directorate to coordinate, carry out and supervise multi-sectoral nutrition M&E, surveillance and research actions under the NNP II.

Specific Objectives
1. Conduct cross-sectoral capacity gaps assessment on nutrition M&E and develop capacity building plan and tools.
2. Provide technical support and build capacity of EPHI and relevant sector nutrition staff on integrated collection, reporting, analysis and utilization of multi-sectoral data under the NNP II.
3. Support ongoing review of existing nutrition M&E frameworks such as NNP II monitoring and Evaluation framework, SD baseline evaluation framework, NIPN and SURE and develop nutrition information integration framework.

Please visit ETH-04 – Strengthening the role of the National Nutrition Program (NNP II) Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Committee to effectively monitor, evaluate and coordinate utilization of Multi-Sectoral nutrition information in Ethiopia for additional information and application process.

Deadline: April 20th, 2018

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