In response to identified gaps in the implementation of IYCF activities in the Pakistan Flood Relief, Save the Children has agreed to lead the Nutrition Cluster IYCF Task Force. As a task force lead, Save the Children is planning to provide technical support to the cluster by hiring short term IYCF consultant. The consultant will work with a longer-term national specialist employed by UNICEF. Objectives of the consultancy To 'kick start' the Nutrition Cluster's IYCF taskforce the Infant and Young Child Feeding Consultant will: . Work with a UNICEF infant feeding specialist to review and standardize the existing IYCF IEC material and training packages in view of the current international and national guidelines. . With the UNICEF specialist, facilitate training of trainers (TOT) for master trainers working for different national and international implementing partners who would be providing technical training, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the IYCF interventions integrated into CMAM. . Provide recommendations on how to concretely deliver IYCF support through CMAM programmes and accelerated campaigns to raise awareness and positively influence practices. . Recommend key milestones for the cluster to measure progress on IYCF Expected Outputs . Standardized training package and IEC material revised to reflect global standards and materials printed/burned on CD and distributed to NGOs . Define IYCF activity integration (including indicator reporting) with emergency nutrition programmes in the form of a concept note . . Milestones identified along with practical steps to achieve targets. Duration and Timing . The technical assistance is required for six - eight weeks Person Specification The consultant must have: . Advanced university degree in Nutrition, or related field. . Significant international experience in Infant Feeding in Emergencies To apply send a CV to
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