On February 22, 2018 from 9am to 10:30am (EST) please join us for a webinar:
The persistent problem of global acute malnutrition: Why does it persist despite humanitarian and development gains?

Despite global improvements in malnutrition and under-five mortality child Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) continues to be an ongoing and alarming problem in post-emergency and protracted crises. The Feinstein International Center recently released a discussion and related briefing paper on the scope of the problem, its drivers, and strategies for moving forward.

Join researchers and humanitarian practitioners for a discussion about:
· Potential drivers of persistently high GAM rates
· Challenges in understanding the actual drivers of persistent GAM
· Actions practitioners and policy makers must take to improve how emergency programs target the underlying drivers of persistent GAM

· Josephine Ippe, Global Nutrition Cluster Coordinator, Office of Emergency Programme, UNICEF
· Gwenaëlle Luc, Link NCA Technical Advisor, Action contre la Faim
· Grainne Moloney, Chief Nutrition Section, UNICEF Kenya
· Abigail Perry, Senior Nutrition Adviser, UK Department for International Development

Helen Young, research director for nutrition, livelihoods, and conflict at the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University will chair this webinar. She will discuss findings from Feinstein’s recent investigation into this issue.

Register here

The recording of this webinar is now available here.

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


6 years ago

Malnutrition reflects the commitment of governments for people.
Malnutrition is a political, community issue: it should be dealt
by local authorities and not by external actors, like NGO or UN agencies.
The introduction and promotion of plumpynut have somehow reduced
mortality but not the incidence of malnutrition. Indeed plumptnut
causes confusion and delegitimate parents from the Responsibility
and Power to feed their children.
Growth monitoring accompanied by adequate nutritional education
are the cornerstones for combating malnutrition.
Unfortunately both have been abandoned on the ground
of 'scientific' evidence of their inefficency.

Massimo Serventi

Massimo Serventi


6 years ago
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