Permaculture and International development Free Taster Workshop
18th April 2018
Room 2.14, Coventry University London Campus, 109-117 Middlesex St. London E1 7JF (map on link)

A team of permaculture practitioners, with many decades of experience in International Development, are coordinating a 5-day training in September 2018, entitled "Permaculture for Development Workers”. In the run-up to the training, the team, in collaboration with Permaculture Association Britain and hosted by the Stabilisation Agriculture Programme at the Centre for Agriculture, Water & Resilience (CAWR), is facilitating a “Taster” workshop to share case studies of successful applications of permaculture design principles in development work. The workshop aims to stimulate discussion into what permaculture has to offer both international development and humanitarian initiatives, as well as exploring current programming constraints and opportunities practitioners may face in their own contexts.

As such, the taster workshop is suitable for those working in a range of fields: from climate-sensitive design of agro-ecology, food security, education, sustainable livelihoods, nutrition, health, water, sanitation and hygiene programmes, through to disaster risk reduction, humanitarian response, and peace-building suited to fragile ecological and socio-political environments.

Participants will be invited to attend, or send organisation representatives to the September course.
This workshop is free but prior booking is essential due to the limited number of spaces.

Please contact Chris for enquiries and bookings.
For more background information on permaculture-related projects here are some examples:

Himalayan Permaculture Centre - Nepal - Malawi (household) - Malawi (organisation)
Tropical Permaculture Guidebook - Timore-Leste

CAWR/Lemon Tree Trust - Refugee camps
Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

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