Hi Colleagues ,
We are working on integrating management of acute malnutrition (both MAM and SAM) in our health system in Ethiopia. The intention is to pilot management of MAM in the existing health system (only in some geographical areas) like management of SAM.

We (the technical working group working on this matter), are now facing a few challenges in calculating expected caseload of MAM children with any other top childhood illnesses (mainly with Malaria, Pneumonia and Diarrhea). This is needed to estimate our drug supplies for those kids. As SAM management is already integrated we do not need to calculate for SAM cases, so it is only for MAM so that it will be both severe and moderate malnutrition management.

As a team, we have agreed to put our question to this forum to hear thoughts in this regard from experts and also experience from other countries that have already integrated IMAM in their routine health system.

Thanks and your input here is highly appreciated

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