Dear all,

ENN is currently conducting a review on behalf of DFID (via MQSUN+) on the prevention of wasting. Nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive activities to prevent wasting lack robust evidence and concerted efforts and investments are required to address this evidence gap. Thus, ENN is supporting DFID and the wider nutrition community to develop a summary of the current state of thinking on wasting prevention.

The review is taking place between November 2017 and March 2018 and will summarise the state of evidence on what works for the prevention of wasting, drawn from both a detailed search of published and grey literature, as well a consultation with key stakeholders to identify what are believed to be the most promising approaches to preventing wasting and a mapping of the most relevant programmes being implemented.

We would be very grateful for contributions of relevant grey literature relating to the subject of wasting prevention, including the following types of documents:

agency evaluation / impact assessment reports including before and after surveys;
case studies;
programme reports;
dissemination materials;
posters and videos;
updates from international conferences and fora;
Nutrition Causal Analysis reports.

The report will be finalized in March 2018 so please share documents by Friday February 9th to the following address:

Thank you

Jose Luis Alvarez and Rebecca Brown
ENN Consultants, Wasting Prevention Review

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