Dear colleagues in Kenya,
For a research project, we are looking for 7 adult height boards and 7 SECA 2-in-1 scales. They can be second hand as long as in good condition and functional. Thus, if you have such items sitting in a warehouse from a previous project, we will be happy to buy them off of you for a reasonable price. If so, please contact me directly on fabian]>at<[, where ]>at<[ is to be replaced by the @.

Regards, Fabian

Hi Fabian,

Please check your email, I have referred you to someone. You could also enquire at some of the large chemists in Nairobi - these tend to stock health equipment e.g. weighing scales, health and mobility aids, and could have height rods, roll-up measuring tapes and stadiometers.



6 years ago

Dear Lilian,
Thank you indeed!
Best, Fabian

Fabian Rohner


6 years ago
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