Dear all,
We are pleased to invite you to an upcoming webinar training that will work through the basics of how to use Epi Info 7.2 software to create a questionnaire form that can be used for data entry purposes for any type of survey. This webinar is intended for any organization or individual that conducts surveys using paper based questionnaires. The content of the webinar can be applied to surveys that are conducted in any sector, such as; Nutrition/Anthropometry, IYCF, WASH, Health and Morbidity, Food Security, etc.
Please feel free to forward this invite with your networks.
We look forward to a productive webinar and hope that you can join us!
When:Thursday, 14th December 2017
Time:08:00 – 09:30 (New York), 13:00-14:30 (London), 15:00 – 15:30 (Amman), 16:00 - 17:30 (Nairobi)
Facilitator:Scott Logue (Assessment Advisor, Tech RRT)
Topic:Creating survey questionnaire forms for data entry using Epi Info 7.2
During the past several deployments by the Tech RRT Assessment Advisor, it was observed that it is common practice for organizations to use Microsoft Excel to conduct data entry for completed survey questionnaires. Although Microsoft Excel can be used for data entry purposes, for improved quality of data entry it is recommended to create a questionnaire template (or ‘form’ using Epi Info terminology) using Epi Info 7.2 or other software and enter questionnaire data into the form. The data can then be analyzed using Epi Info 7.2 or easily exported to any desired software.
The webinar will include the following points of discussion:
• The benefits of using Epi Info 7 questionnaire forms to enter data
• Quick overview of Epi Info 7 software
• Creating a Form and our example project
• Creating fields such as text, numeric, check box, yes/no, drop down menus, lists, additional field properties, etc.
• Field placement and alignment
• Adding and removing pages, tab order, etc.
• Transferring information entered to excel
The webinar will be an interactive exercise and examples will be provided for the above topics. At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will have a basic understanding of how to create a form using Epi Info 7.2. The facilitator will include indicators from several sectors in the examples discussed throughout the questionnaire.
Required Software for webinar: The software required for the webinar is Epi Info version 7.2 and can be downloaded for free at the following link from the CDC website:
Background on the project: The Technical Rapid Response Team, ,is a partnership between International Medical Corps, Save the Children and Action Against Hunger working in close collaboration with the Global Nutrition Cluster and UNICEF, funded by USAID/OFDA. The purpose of the Tech RRT is to improve the quality of nutrition humanitarian response by deploying technical experts, providing remote support and building the capacity of nutrition partners while national capacity is overstretched or inexperienced in nutrition in emergencies.
Remote access: To register for the webinar kindly email Scott Logue, by Monday, December 11th. A link to the platform will be sent to participants ahead of the webinar. Online access is limited to the first 20 respondents.
Supported by Technical Rapid Response Team and USAID

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