National Nutrition Cluster Co-Coordinator, South Sudan

About the role: This is a 12 month, role with unaccompanied terms based in Juba with a salary of Grade 6 (€44,883 - €49,871).

The Nutrition Cluster Co-coordinator seconded by Concern will be managed by Concern. The Nutrition Cluster Co-coordinator will be accountable to the Nutrition Cluster Coordinator for implementation of day-to-day cluster activities according to the agreed Nutrition Cluster work plan. Periodic performance appraisal of the Cluster Co-coordinator will be conducted by Concern management with inputs from the Cluster Coordinator against the deliverables of the present ToR and on specific tasks assigned to the Co-coordinator within the cluster work plan.

Supports: All cluster partners and the National Nutrition Cluster Coordination Team
Duty Station: The incumbent will be based in the UNICEF-led National Nutrition Cluster Coordination Unit in Juba with regular visits (40% of time) to all crisis-affected states

Duration: Twelve (12) months

In collaboration with the National Nutrition Cluster Coordinator of the cluster lead agency (UNICEF), on behalf of the South Sudan Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and UNICEF South Sudan Country Office as the lead agency for the Nutrition Cluster and in collaboration with the Department of Nutrition of the Ministry of Health, the Nutrition Cluster Co-coordinator will facilitate a timely and effective nutrition response in South Sudan and ensure that the capacity of local institutions is strengthened to respond to and coordinate emergency nutrition interventions that demonstrate results and impact achieved. The incumbent will be seconded to the Cluster Coordination Unit (NCCU) by Nutrition Cluster partner in accordance with the MoU signed between the lead and co-lead agency for a period of twelve (12) months. The support provided could encompass the following core cluster functions in the field.

Core cluster functions (Cluster Coordination Reference Module, IASC, 2014::

1. Supporting service delivery
a. Provide a platform to ensure that service delivery is driven by the agreed cluster strategic priorities
b. Develop mechanisms to eliminate duplication of service delivery

2. Informing strategic decision-making of the HC/HCT for the humanitarian response
a. Needs assessment and gap analysis (across other sectors and within the sector)
b. Analysis to identify and address (emerging) gaps, obstacles, duplication, and cross-cutting issues.

3. Prioritization, grounded in response analysis
a. Planning and strategy development
b. Development of sectoral plans, objectives and indicators directly support realization of the HC/HCT strategic priorities
c. Application and adherence to existing standards and guidelines
d. Clarify funding requirements, prioritization, and cluster contributions to HC’s overall humanitarian funding considerations (CRP/SRP, CHF, CERF, etc)

4. Advocacy
a. Identify advocacy concerns to contribute to CLA, and HCT messaging and action
b. Undertaking advocacy activities on behalf of cluster partners and the affected population

5. Monitoring and reporting the implementation of the cluster strategy and results;
recommending corrective action where necessary

6. Contingency planning/preparedness for recurrent disasters whenever feasible and relevant.

7. Accountability to affected population.

MAJOR TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: include but not limited to:

Support service delivery

• Explore and identify appropriate partners to engage in emergency nutrition response and facilitate the active engagement of these agencies in the cluster at national and/or at sub national level, focusing on partners with capacity to conduct nutrition related assessments such as SMART surveys, analysis, etc.;
• Regularly liaise with the State Cluster Focal Points to identify progress, gaps, bottlenecks and challenges in implementation of nutrition responses, surveys/assessments/analysis, communicate/feedback to the National Cluster and propose corrective actions (if needed)
• Act as focal point for inquiries on the Nutrition Cluster’s response plans and implementation of nutrition surveys and assessments;
• Support the Cluster Coordination team in organizing of and participating in regular cluster coordination meetings and information sharing to ensure appropriate coordination between all nutrition humanitarian partners, including provision of inputs for the agenda and information and evidence to inform cluster partners discussions and facilitation of sessions related to strengthening emergency nutrition responses in priority locations;
• Identify and liaise with FSL and other cluster’s partners to advocate for integration of nutrition sensitive interventions and nutrition indicators into their respective response plans and where feasible; propose corrective actions, if needed;
• Provide regular inputs from cluster partners for Nutrition cluster information management products, cluster bulletins, etc., including needs, gaps, supply pipeline updates, etc;
• Act as a Cluster Coordinator in the absence of the CLA National Nutrition Cluster Coordinator by, which includes management of other cluster coordination team members

Informing strategic decision-making of the HC/HCT for the humanitarian response

• Participate or coordinate and support cluster and/ or the nutrition cluster input into inter-cluster initial rapid needs assessments (IRNA), multi-cluster initial rapid assessments (MIRA), humanitarian needs overview (HNO), IPC analysis, etc, using cluster tools and provide relevant inputs (survey plans, tools, identification of needs, gaps, etc) to the National Nutrition Cluster Coordination team;
• Represent the cluster coordination team in the IPC technical working group where needed and lead discussion related to analysis of nutrition information.
• Support State Nutrition Cluster Focal points (MOH, UNICEF & NGO) and nutrition partners to participate in nutrition need assessments and response planning.
• Coordinate with the UNICEF/WFP RRM and other rapid response mechanisms in identifying location for intervention based on cluster priorities, mobilizing partners to participate in the Missions and analyzing all data generated by RRM teams.
• In collaboration with the NIWG, MOH and with other sectors, ensure nutrition assessments are conducted using standardized tools and methods.
• Ensure representation of nutrition cluster in the Food Security & Livelihoods, WASH, Health and Education Clusters by regularly attending meeting organized by those clusters/sectors.

Prioritization, grounded in response analysis

• Lead and support the development of Nutrition Cluster strategies and plans at national and sub national level, based on solid analysis of the situation; in order for the cluster to prepare for and respond appropriately to emergencies.
• As a member of the cluster coordination team, provide relevant inputs to the development and revision of the Nutrition cluster Strategic Response Plans (HRP) as required. As part of this process, ensure that gaps and duplications are identified and appropriately addressed.
• As member of the cluster coordination team, develop and contingency planning and preparedness for new emergencies related assessment and analysis needed and capacity required for assessment by cluster partner, and ensure this is adequately reflected in the overall humanitarian country strategy and response plan
• Ensure that Nutrition Cluster partners are aware of relevant commitments that the Government/concerned authorities have undertaken under international human rights law; and relevant government policies and protocols and legislation which will impact on Nutrition assessment and analysis (eg Human Resource Issues, Operational Agreements with Gov etc).
• Ensure that OCHA identified priority crosscutting issues, including gender, HIV and environment; are fully integrated into the nutrition cluster strategy and nutrition cluster partner projects, in line with ISAC guidance and international best practices with specific focus on ensuring cross-cutting issues are addressed in nutrition survey plans, methodologies, etc.


• Conduct analysis and write up of the nutrition cluster information from the various sources and share nutrition briefings with stakeholders and monthly situation analysis with the humanitarian community.
• Identify core nutrition advocacy concerns, including resource requirements related to nutrition surveys/assessments, and contribute key messages to the broader advocacy initiatives of the HCT.
• Advocate for donors to fund Nutrition Cluster partners to carry out activities in line with the Nutrition Cluster strategies, and identified priorities while at the same time encouraging cluster participants to mobilize resources for their activities through the usual channels.

Monitoring and reporting the implementation of the cluster strategy and results

• In collaboration with the Cluster Coordinator, guide the work of the Information Management Officer to maintain a functional Nutrition Cluster Information Management system; which includes Monthly Partner Reporting, Nutrition Partner database and 5W Matrixes; Capacity Mapping database, Repository of Nutrition Surveys and Cluster Website.
• Ensure regular monitoring of nutrition surveys/assessments activities and coordination against cluster indicators, including activity at operational level (quality, coverage, continuity and cost); and sub national and national level cluster coordination activities. Conduct analysis of best available information in order to benchmark progress of the emergency response over time.
• Submit regular Cluster reports to MOH, OCHA and UNICEF in line with reporting requirements (monthly/quarterly).
• Work with the Monitoring and Cluster partners to establish a solid cluster monitoring system.
• The cluster co-coordinator is expected to spend at least 40% of his/her time in field monitoring responses and supporting partners in improving quality programming.

Training and capacity development of national/local authorities and civil society

• Identify capacity building needs for the cluster and coordinate and support training of humanitarian personnel and capacity development of humanitarian partners; based on capacity mapping and understanding of available personnel and institutional capacities.
• Support efforts to strengthen the capacity of national and state MOH and other national//local authorities and civil society on emergency nutrition coordination, responses and assessments.
• Collaborate with the nutrition cluster TWGs to organize/conduct training aimed at improving the capacity of partners in conducting SMART surveys, MIYCN and CMAM programs coverage assessments.

Accountability to affected population (AAP)

• Take leadership in ensuring that the nutrition cluster framework on accountability to affected population is integrated, implemented by nutrition cluster partners, monitored and reported accordingly.
• Monitor the implementation of 6 core cluster indicators on AAP that have been agreed with all nutrition cluster partners.



• Advanced University degree in any of the following fields: Public Health, Nutrition or a related technical field
• Training on cluster approach and coordination will be an advantage

Work Experience

• Minimum of three to five years with significant experience working in emergency contexts preferably NGO experience at program management level.
• Having worked as cluster coordinator or co-coordinator in any country will be an advantage.

Language Proficiency

• Fluency in English

Competency Profile
Core Competencies (Required)
• Commitment
• Team work
• Integrity
• Results focused

Functional Competencies (Required)
• Leading vision and change
• Networking
• Strategic and Global thinking
• Planning, Setting Standards, and Monitoring Work
• Managing Resources
• Decisiveness
• Communication
• Team
• Leadership

Technical Knowledge

Common Technical Requirements:

• Knowledge of Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) interventions and their linkages with other FSL, WASH and Health interventions
• Knowledge of Humanitarian reform and Transformative Agenda principles, international humanitarian law, inter-connectedness and reform pillars & reform updates
• Knowledge of the Cluster approach guidelines and terms of Reference ( and knowledge of how to apply them)
• Knowledge of cluster partners (their mandates, capacities, attitudes, limitations,) and how to integrate them into the cluster approach
• Ability to mitigate and mediate conflict and disagreements among cluster partners
• Function-Specific Technical Requirements:
• Ability to use and adapt cluster coordination and OCHA humanitarian related tools (e.g. stakeholder mapping, CERF/SSHF Applications, OPS, GMS, FTS, HNO, Caseload estimation, SRP/HRP, IM tools, Need-Capacity-Resource Mapping, 5W, Contingency planning etc.

You will report to the Nutrition Coordinator and work closely Concern Country Director and Programme Director and Emergency Programme Director.

All applications should be submitted through our website at by closing date. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.

All candidates who are short-listed for a first round interview will be notified via email after the application deadline.


Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer posts before the closing date.

Concern Worldwide is an Irish-based non-governmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.

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