WorldFish is urgently looking for a Nutrition Scientist to further WorldFish’s research agenda and ensure that production gains made through sustainable aquaculture and resilient small scale fisheries increase consumption of nutrient-rich fish and fish-based products, in particular in poor and vulnerable population groups, including in the first 1000 days of life. S/he will conduct research on nutrition-sensitive fish production systems, factors affecting fish consumption, especially in women and young children, development and utilization of fish-based products and the effect of fish consumption on maternal health and nutrition, child growth, development and cognition.

Key Responsibilities

* Further develop research strategy on nutrition-sensitive fish production systems and ensure its effective implementation in countries where we work.
* In collaboration with WorldFish staff and partners, lead the initiation and timely submission of project proposals on fish for improved nutrition and health of women and children.
* Develop and implement innovative research activities in fish for improved nutrition and health.
* Develop and ensure effective utilization of tools, methods and indicators for nutrition-sensitive fish production and fish for improved nutrition and health.
* Publish quality research results in peer-reviewed journals as well as briefs, reports and through other media.
* Develop and strengthen our partnerships with global, regional and national researchers in nutrition-sensitive fish production and fish for improved nutrition and health, and with the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (CRP A4NH).
* Ensure a pro-poor, innovative and gender responsive market-oriented approach
* Develop research plans and lead implementation ensuring quality and timely deliverables; monitor progress and prepare progress reports.
* Mentor young nutrition researchers in key program countries and build the research capacity for WorldFish and partners.

Location: The position will be based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia or one of our priority focal countries.
Duration: The initial employment contract will be for a 3-year period, with possibility for renewal.
Salary: This is an International Recruited Staff (IRS) position with annual salary ranging between USD 63,000 – USD 67,000 per annum. WorldFish's IRS shall receive comprehensive benefits including (but not limited to) housing allowance*, relocation and repatriation assistance*, dependent education allowance*, home leave entitlement*, comprehensive insurance coverage for staff and eligible dependents, and pension/provident fund contribution.
Note: Items marked * are not applicable to staff recruited as Home Country Internationals (nationals of the country of posting). All benefits are subject to terms and conditions.

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