Hello everyone

I am implementing a community-based Nutrition project. So I ask you to help me with the complete community nutrition training kits or tools kits for the implementation of these activities from start to finish.

The programme / project is resilience in health and nutrition and focuses on the prevention of malnutrition combined with the management of acute malnutrition with 
a WASH in Nutrition aspect. I count a lot on your support. I would also welcome a link to the most updated CMAM kit. 

I am in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Thank you

Nutritionist and Dietitian
E-mail: yakututendwe@yahoo.fr
Skype: kalufenye.ngengele.emmanuel
Tel: + 243997267477, + 243829449841, + 243854720702

Hi Emmanuel,

Concern have a CMAM Surge toolkit which aims to hep health centres manage peaks in malnutrition during the year, they share a lot of the documents in English and French on the website, if you follow this link you will find them available to download: https://www.concern.net/resources/cmam-surge-toolkit .
The approach has been used in Kenya and Uganda with success and is currently being implemented in Niger.

Hope that helps,
Good luck,



6 years ago
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