Country: Bangladesh - Cox’s Bazaar

Context: Action Contre la Faim (ACF) - Bangladesh has been implementing nutrition programs in Cox’s Bazar since 2009. ACF’s nutrition activities comprise of screening, detection and referral of SAM and MAM, SAM treatment (SC & OTP), MAM treatment (U5 & PLW), MAM prevention U5 (BSFP), Micro Nutrient Powder supplementation children U5, Iron Folic supplementation for pregnant and lactating women, health and nutrition promotion, school adolescent nutrition etc.
Since 25th August 2017 around 500.000 refugees from Myanmar crossed the border into Bangladesh and settle in existing camps, makeshift settlements as well as new settlements. Since the influx, ACF has scaled up its nutrition response in the new settlements as well as existing settlements. The influx of refugees has also attracted NGO’s and UN agencies for a response to the crisis. Coordination and collaboration is essential for an effective nutrition response.

Length of contract: 3 months (up to 6 months), starting as soon as possible

The position: Under the direct supervision of the Field Coordinator and the Nutrition & Health Head of Department, your main objective will be to manage emergency nutrition programs and to ensure quality response, as well as provide technical support to ACF project staff on nutrition and health programs planning, implementation and coordination.
More precisely, you will in charge to :

•To ensure quality of mobile/static OTP implementation in new settlements, makeshift extensions
•To ensure integrated Mobile/static OTP – ACF MHCP sector and IRC Health activities in collaboration with Emergency Nutrition Coordinator
•To ensure data collection and reporting (per site and consolidated) of the mobile/static OTPs
•To provide training to the mobile/static OTP teams and Community Nutrition Volunteers in collaboration with Emergency Nutrition Coordinator, capacity building PM and Nutrition PMs
•To integrate basic public health surveillance component in the CNV activities (identification of measles and AWD cases, prevention, and referral to appropriate treatment center)
•To manage finance, logistics and HR for the mobile/static OTP sites
•To assess the needs of the population and adapt the mobile OTP sites accordingly
•To ensure screening and referral of undernourished children to the appropriate sites
•To strengthen collaboration and coordination between ACF nutrition sites and other agencies’ nutrition centers
•To provide support to set up of 3 Blanket Supplementary Feeding Centers
•To handover the mobile/static OTP components to local PM (existing or to be recruited)

The applicant: You hold a Master's degree in Nutrition and Health, Medicine, Nurse and/or Public Health with a multi sectoral understanding of malnutrition experience. You have experience in the implementation of nutrition emergency intervention and team management (ideally remote management). You must have experience in coaching and capacity building of field teams on OTP/CNV, monitoring and supervision. You already have an experience working in conflict affected insecure locations
You are recognize for your excellent oral and written capacities in English

Gross monthly salary ranging from €1805 to €2305 depending on relevant experience
Food and hygiene expenses, per diem, transportation costs, collective or individual accommodation, medical insurance
25 days of annual paid leaves and 20 days of rest and recuperation (R&R) per year

To apply, please visit our website:

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