Country programme South Sudan
Total time frame 25 days
Travel dates November 2017 (exact dates to be defined after selection of Consultant)
Reports in the field to WASH Advisor, M&E Manager, WASH Project Manager
Reports at HQ to Senior WASH Advisor
Final report deadline 15th January 2018

TITLE: Consultant - Technical Evaluation of the WASH Programme in Batil Camp

After fighting began in Blue Nile State (Sudan) in September 2011, people began fleeing across the border into Maban County (former Upper Nile State, South Sudan). By July 2012, over 105,000 refugees had been registered and were situated in four large camps established by UNHCR in collaboration with the local authorities. Batil camp was opened in May 2012, but grew from a few thousand to 35,000 refugees in the space of a month.
Medair’s ERT (emergency response team) began a joint WASH and Health response in Batil camp in August 2012. The response was initially expected to be relatively limited in scope and timeframe, since there were already a number of other WASH and Health actors in the camp. However in 2013, as other NGOs began to leave Maban, Medair’s programme expanded significantly. By June 2014 Medair was responsible for all WASH, health and nutrition services in Batil camp, serving approximately 40,000 people.
The strategic aim of the Maban project was to develop, implement, and adjust as needed high quality services that address emergency needs in a demand driven and responsive manner. The overall goal of all Medair programme is to relieve human suffering in the most remote and devastating places by bringing relief and recovery to the people in crises without considering their creed, race and religion. This project has been designed to fit into the strategy especially the component of saving lives through improved integrated primary health care programme. The project has been implemented for the last 5 years and will be coming to an end on December 31st 2017. Therefore, this ToR has been prepared to hire highly competent external consultants to evaluate the performance of this project for the implementation period. The evaluation of this project will help the key stakeholders to measure the level of project impact and the extent to which objectives were achieved with reference to service delivery to the project beneficiaries.

To undertake an independent, technical evaluation of Medair’s WASH programme in Batil camp (Maban). The assessment will review the effectiveness, appropriateness and impact of the WASH response in comparison with other camps in Maban (and elsewhere), UNHCR standards and best practice; identify any gaps, and provide recommendations on what could be improved in future in a similar intervention.
It is intended that the Final Report will be shared with the donor, UNHCR, and other INGOs working in Maban; and will also be used internally to guide Medair’s planning and preparation for future interventions.

1) Water
Water is supplied from 9 motorised boreholes, which pump approximately 800,000 litres per day to elevated storage tanks (total capacity of 683 m3). Water is then distributed by gravity flow through an extensive distribution network (20.5 km of buried HDPE pipe) to over 40 communal tapstands. In-line chlorination is done at the boreholes, and the pumps are operated by a mixture of diesel generators and solar power. In addition there are 7 handpumps in the camp.
• Was the design of the Batil water system an appropriate & effective solution? Should it have been designed differently, or could be improved? In answering this question, the evaluation should consider all aspects of the technical design and installation, including but not restricted to:-
- are the pumps and generators sized correctly?
- was the solar power supply correctly designed and installed?
- is the volume of storage capacity sufficient, and the elevated tank design appropriate?
- is the distribution network design appropriate and effective?
- could the quality of construction and installation be improved?
- does the system deliver sufficient quantity of water reliably?
- is access to water adequate (number, location, design of tapstands)?
- how is the in-line chlorination performing, and does water quality meet standards?
- Were the water quality testing protocols adequate and were adjustments quickly made when water quality standards were not met?
• How sustainable is the current water system and what changes could/ should be made to enhance its sustainability? This should consider:
- is the groundwater abstraction sustainable?
- is the system easy to operate and maintain? (considering local staff capacity, and access to fuel, spare parts etc)
- are the operational and maintenance costs reasonable compared with other similar camp water systems? What can or should be changed with regards to the use of solar power and handpumps?

2) Sanitation
There are approximately 3000 shared household latrines in the camp; which are constructed by the refugees using a mixture of local and imported materials. The latrine pits have a limited lifespan so approximately 1200 need replacing each year.
• Is the shared household latrine design appropriate & effective? ie does it provide safe, dignified access at a reasonable cost. What improvements can or should be made?
• What is the environmental impact of the latrine design, how have efforts been made to mitigate this, and could a different design with a lower impact be used?
• Were the needs of people with disabilities adequately addressed?
• What changes can or should be made to improve the lifetime of the latrines?
• Was appropriate provision made for hand-washing?
• Was adequate provision made for sanitation in institutions?
• Has drainage and solid waste disposal been adequately addressed?

3) Hygiene promotion
• Was the “hardware” (construction of water and sanitation infrastructure) successfully integrated with the “software” part of the programme (hygiene promotion and community engagement)?
• Hygiene promotion activities range from community clean-up campaigns, group discussion sessions, training of Water User Committees, cleaning of water containers and hygiene promotion at waterpoints, and household promotion through the mothers’ groups (Care Group model). How effective have the different activities been and are there any gaps with regards to key messages, or sections/ groups within the camp which have not been adequately covered?
• Were the hygiene promotion activities effective in creating behaviour change? If this was not successful (perhaps for certain behaviours) what improvements could be made?

4) WASH in host communities
• In response to the Hepatitis E outbreak and as part of conflict-sensitive programming Medair also implemented WASH interventions in the host community. These included rehabilitation of handpumps, a motorised water supply for Bunj Hospital, construction of latrines for the hospital and market, and (during the outbreak) hygiene promotion and distribution of soap. Although the focus of the evaluation is on Batil camp, these interventions should also be included in the technical evaluation.

This is an End of Project Evaluation that will assess the progress made by the project towards achieving the project goal of reducing morbidity and mortality of 42,943 people through integrated health, nutrition and WASH interventions in Batil camp, Maban. The assessment of the project impact will focus on the contribution made by the project from inception.
In addition to the general, multisectoral evaluation a WASH specific technical evaluation will be included in the evaluation report. For the technical WASH evaluation a technical report will be written which addresses all of the aspects listed above, with supporting data and evidence where appropriate. Both evaluations will be combined in one report. Each consultant will deliver one report which can be combined as part A) Multisectoral Public Health Evaluation that covers Medair’s health, nutrition and WASH intervention and part B) Technical WASH evaluation as per ToR. The report will contain a joint summary of both evaluations.
A draft report should be submitted to Medair by 12th December 2017. Medair will provide feedback on this report by 21st December, so that the Consultant can finalise the report by the 05th January 2018.

Prior travelling to South Sudan: Data review
Gathering information and review key documents such as needs assessment reports, donor proposals, logical frameworks, baseline report, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports, training reports, success stories, clinic data, WASH (weekly) monitoring data, results from Knowledge, Practice Coverage (KPC) surveys and KPC reports, UNHCR SENS surveys and any district level secondary data and other relevant documents.

In Country: Data collection
Collect data on relevant topics in order to receive quantitative and/ or qualitative information on Medair’s impact in Yusuf Batil Camp, and conducting interviews with other relevant stakeholders in Maban. It is expected that both consultants work closely together in order to avoid duplication of data collection and reporting. The activities on data collection should be planned by both consultants in liaison.
Note, that in Maban, the Medair team (along with most NGOs, UNHCR and the Government authorities) are based in Bunj town, which has an airstrip nearby. The base has good internet access and HF/ VHF/ Thuraya communication – mobile phone coverage is intermittent. The team travel each day into Batil camp in a Medair vehicle, which is approximately a 20 minute drive.

At the end of data review & collection
The Consultant will be expected to deliver the following outputs at the end of data review and collection:
• Handing in of one report that contains one chapter of the multisectoral public health evaluation looks at Medair’s health, nutrition and WASH interventions and a separate chapter on the technical WASH evaluation. The report will contain a joint summary of both evaluations.
• An inception report detailing methodologies to be used and sample size calculations, a detailed execution plan, data-collection tools such as datasets provided in SPSS format with a full and complete data dictionary
• Data should be submitted to Medair for validation before narrative report is completed
• The consultants should also submit data analysis SPSS syntaxes as the syntax file will be relevant for the validation process
• Draft report submitted to Medair within an agreed timeline.
• A presentation of the key findings and recommendations to Medair Country Director and Sector Advisors in Juba.
• Collected data (raw) after analysis submitted to Medair alongside the final report. The final report will include the public health evaluation and the technical WASH report, so that an overall picture is given.
• Final report (soft and hard copy) submitted and presented to Medair, not less than 20 pages and not exceeding 40 pages using font size 11. The format of the report can be discussed after the results were presented.

The Evaluations should cover all aspects of the multi-sectoral public health intervention, including cross-cutting themes. Achievements should be measured against UNHCR, Sphere standards and best practice, and also consider whether the response represents value-for-money (though an economic analysis of the programme is not required).
The Evaluations should also look, not only at the current situation in the camp now, but as far as is practical also the historical development of the programme over the past five years. In particular, considering the speed of the initial emergency response and scale-up, the response to the Hepatitis E outbreak in 2012/13, impact on morbidity and mortality and key practices from periodic surveys through the years, and how technical designs and community engagement have evolved during the programme.

It is expected that the Consultants will gather data and information from a wide range of sources in order to ensure a comprehensive overview of the programme, including:
• Reference documents provided by the Medair Maban team. A significant amount of data has been documented by the team and can be shared with the Consultants including all surveys from 2012-2017 conducted in Batil camp by Medair and others, final donor reports and other key programme data.
• Field visit in Batil camp, supported by the Medair team
• Feedback from Medair Maban staff
• Interviews with other partners in Maban, including UNHCR, DRC (camp managers), LWF (education), Samaritan’s Purse (secondary healthcare & nutrition) and Relief International (health, nutrition and livelihoods). Visits to another camp and meetings with ACTED (the WASH agency in the other three refugee camps) for comparison
• Visits to another camp and meetings with other NGOs for comparison
• Interviews with beneficiaries, including camp leaders, women, refugee staff


Date Activity Number of days technical WASH evaluation Location
By 9.11
Medair has sent the consultants relevant background data and reports
13.11- 14.11. Review of the sent information. 2
15.11- Draft of the planned data collection methods for the time in Maban and share this with the field advisors, Maban project Managers and M&E Manager. 1
20.11.-21.11 Travel to Juba
Alien registration and security briefings. Time for additional information gathering from Medair staff that support the Maban team 1 Juba
22.11. Travel to Maban and security briefings 1
23.11- 06.12. Data collection in Maban 12 Maban
05.12. Data cleaning and analysis 1 Maban
06.12. Travel back to Juba 1
07.12. Presentation of the key findings to the Medair Country Director and Sector Advisors in Juba. 1 Juba
08.12. Travel back to home destination 1
11.12- 12.12. Draft report for review and comments. Submission of the first draft report on 12.12. to Medair. Both reports will be delivered combined in one format as described above. The report will have a joint summary at the beginning.
13.12.-29.12. Review of the first draft report by the field advisors. Drafting of comments and feedback which will be send to the two consultants by 29.12.2017
30. 12 Incorporation of comments 1
05.01. Final report submission 1

All reasonable steps will be taken to provide safety and security for the consultant; both Medair and consultant accept the inherent risks in working in humanitarian contexts. Medair will not be required to do more than what is reasonable and possible in the circumstances whilst providing a safe and appropriate work environment.

• International flights and accommodation in transit will be arranged by Medair via pre-selected travel agents and will, therefore, be paid directly by Medair.
• The consultancy fees payable to the consultant will be a negotiated lump sum based on experience and credentials. The fees are taxable in South Sudan and Medair will withhold that tax.
• This is calculated on the basis of an estimated 25 days of work. 50% of the consultancy fee (after withholding tax) will be paid into a bank account designated by the consultant at the completion of the field work.
• The remaining amount will be paid when the final version of the report has been finalized and approved by Medair. Full payment is dependent on the timely completion of the final report as per the agreed timeline.
• Any visa costs, cost of travel in country of abode, and meals while in transit (up to 3 meals per day, maximum 20 USD per meal, no alcohol, no snacks/drinks between meals) will be reimbursed into the designated bank account against receipt.

• All travel arrangements to and from the airport of departure in country of abode (reasonable travel costs to and from the airport will be reimbursable by Medair; reasonable means public transport, second-class travel and taxis only if no other options or if late at night).
• To arrange the required visas for travel to South Sudan, including visas of transiting countries if required (visa costs will be reimbursable by Medair).
• Fulfil the above outputs as listed within the timeframe stated.
• Obtain the necessary vaccinations before the start of the consultancy (not reimbursable by Medair).
• Comply with Medair’s security plan and recommendations on dress and behaviour, as given to expat staff.
• Provide laptop, software, or any other relevant equipment for personal use and report writing (not chargeable to or reimbursable by Medair).

• Arrangement of flights to and from Juba and booking of accommodation while the consultant is in transit if required.
• Provide transport within South Sudan.
• Arrange and cover the costs of in-country work permits and authorizations.
• Provide food and accommodation in South Sudan.
• Provide translators for consultant as needed.
• Provide staff for data-collection if required.
• Provide staff for focus group discussions and other activities, if required.
• Provide working facilities which will be as secure as is practical in the circumstances.
• Reimburse reasonable expenses with valid receipts.

Medair contracts for the provision of debriefing after any critical incident or assignment as needed

• Interested applicants should submit their applications including the below documents:
o Cover letter: A short (maximum one page) letter addressing the evaluation criteria
o Technical Proposal: A (maximum 4 pages) technical proposal highlighting: brief explanation about previous experience; understanding of the TOR, description of the stipulated evaluation and the tasks to be accomplished Curriculum Vitae: Detailed CV should be annexed and should indicate 3 professional references
o Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees
Applications should be sent to: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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