Does your organization need help with conducting assessments or want to increase the capacity of your staff to undertake them? Need help doing it?

Feel free to get in touch with the Tech RRT – we have recently expanded our scope! This means we are now able to provide technical support to individual agencies. National or International organizations as well as health ministries can request our support. All costs for this support are covered by the Tech RRT grant, thanks to USAID/OFDA!

Examples of the kind of activities that the Tech RRT Assessment Adviser can support are:
- Lead, plan and conduct nutrition surveys and assessments:
o Identify the type of assessment to undertake according to needs.
o Design and prepare for the assessment, including: initial planning, select tools and methods, sampling, write survey guidelines, plan survey timeline, working days, budget and plan logistics including any special tools and equipment needed.
o Collect background and demographic information before the assessment/survey.
o Oversee the assessment, including monitoring and supervision of data collection and data entry
o Draft the survey report and support finalisation of the report
o Facilitate discussions around recommendations from the findings

- Assess capacity building needs of staff members on nutrition assessments and methodologies
- Facilitate trainings, Training of Trainers (TOTs) or orientation sessions to improve weaknesses identified
- Lead the development of proposals and budgets to seek funding for assessments

In addition to assessments, our areas of technical expertise include CMAM (Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition), IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding) and SBC (Social Behavior Change). If you are working for an organization who wants to improve the quality and reach of your nutrition response in any of these areas, please request an advisor!

If you want to request an advisor but don’t think your organization can host them (this does have some responsibilities), we can check to see if one of our consortium members (International Medical Corps, Save the Children, Action Against Hunger) can help out – they are often happy to host.

Want to know more about how it works, please feel free to get in touch:

Want to read more about our work? Check out our Past Deployments and follow us on Twitter!

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