When: Thursday, 28th Septeondmber 2017
Time: 15:00-16:00 (Abuja & Lon), 16:00 - 17:00 (Geneva), 17:00 - 18:00 (Nairobi), 10:00 - 11:00 (New York)

Facilitator: Andi Kendle, Tech RRT Program Manager
Presenter: Michele Georgen (CMAM/ IYCF-E, Tech RRT) and Reuel Kirathi Mungai (Nutrition Cluster Coordinator, Borno, Nigeria)

Topic: The Tech RRT’s recent deployment to Nigeria provided technical support and guidance to strengthen the inpatient management of SAM. As a means of information sharing and to foster discussion and follow up on the situation, the Tech RRT invites you to a webinar on this deployment. There will be a presentation to highlight what was done during the deployment, with a special focus on the capacity assessment and capacity building plan including training a pool of coaches, with broad recommendations and lessons learned from the deployment; this will be followed by an open discussion. We hope that a wide range of organizations and donors will join this presentation and discussion.

Background on the project: The Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) is a partnership between International Medical Corps, Save the Children and Action Against Hunger working in close collaboration with the Global Nutrition Cluster and UNICEF, funded by USAID/OFDA. The purpose of the Tech RRT is to improve the quality of nutrition humanitarian response by deploying technical experts, providing remote support and building the capacity of nutrition partners while national capacity is overstretched or inexperienced in nutrition in emergencies.

Remote access: Please register by Wednesday, 27th September, to sperera@internationalmedicalcorps.org to receive the link to our online platform.

Online access is limited to the first 50 respondents.

Please feel free to forward this to colleagues.
We look forward to an active discussion and hope that you can join us!
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