Concern Worldwide developed the CMAM Surge Approach to support health systems to become more resilient to the shocks and stresses that regular surges in the demand for treatment of acute malnutrition present in vulnerable contexts. The model draws heavily from Concern’s experience supporting CMAM and health services in a range of contexts over the past fifteen years. To date, Concern has piloted the CMAM Surge Approach in Marsabit County in Northeast Kenya (2012-2014) and has introduced elements of the approach in a number of other country programmes, including in the Karamoja District of Uganda (2014). The Marsabit County CMAM Surge programme was externally evaluated in November 2014 with positive results. An internal review of Concern’s Uganda CMAM Surge programme also recommended continuation and scale up. There is also growing interest in other countries with similar ‘surges’ in caseload to pilot the CMAM Surge approach, particularly in East Africa and the Sahel. To do this, practical tools and guidance are required, and ideally key implementing partners will have the opportunity to influence these as they are developed to improve the usefulness of the final product.

To date, a Global CMAM Surge Guide, Toolkit, and Facilitator’s Guide has been developed. These materials have been adapted to the Kenya context. A pilot project for the CMAM Surge Approach in Ethiopia requires adaptation of materials to the country context.

The purpose of the consultancy is to support the adaptation of the CMAM Surge Approach to the Ethiopia context so it can be piloted and evaluated.

To adapt the Global CMAM Surge Guide, Toolkit, and Facilitator’s Guide to the Ethiopia context based on consultation with Concern staff, Ethiopian Ministry of Health, and other relevant stakeholders for use in the piloting of the CMAM Surge Approach in country.

Scope of duties and responsibilities
The consultant will be responsible for consultative workshop/meetings in country with stakeholders to identify key issues for adaptation of the approach to the country context. A brief report will be produced upon completion of consultations before preparation of the materials.

The consultant will be responsible for preparation and finalization of the Ethiopian specific materials. The draft materials will receive feedback from the Nutrition Advisor, Concern country team, and other stakeholders before finalization.

The consultant will be responsible for liaising with translator for translation of the materials.

Expected deliverables
- Consultations in country carried out
- Consultation report summarizing key issues for adaptation produced
- Ethiopian CMAM Surge Guide, Toolkit, and Facilitator’s Guide produced in English
- Translated materials to Amharic through liaising with translator produced

The consultant will be supervised by the Concern Nutrition Advisor based in the head office. During country trip the consultant will report to the Program Director with support from the Nutrition Advisor.

Time frame
Approximately 10 days in August/September 2017. Home based with one trip of approximately five days in Ethiopia.

Qualification and competencies
1. At least 8 years of past experience supporting CMAM programming
2. Knowledge of Health System Strengthening Approaches
3. Experience with Ethiopian context
4. Excellent analytical, report writing, and human relation skills

Qualified individuals or consultancy firms are requested to submit CVs of key personnel along with expression of interest, including costed plan and methodology of a maximum of 3 pages, to: by 18 August 2017. Applications without costed plans will not be considered. Late submission will not be considered. Priority will be given to individuals/groups currently operating in Ethiopia. Priority will be given to applications submitted with ability to both adapt and translate guide. Successfully shortlisted applicants will subsequently be invited to submit detailed proposals.

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