Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week
Tech RRT Webinar: Synergies in integration with IYCF-E – Breaking down sectoral boundaries

When: 7 August 2017
Time: 15:00 London time
Duration: 1-1:30 hours

Dr Shogo, Technical Officer, WHO Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Speaking on integration with Maternal and Child Health

Erin McCloskey-Rebelo, Nutrition Consultant, Speaking on integration with WASH

To be confirmed – IYCF/IYCF-E presenter, Speaking broadly on integration with other sectors

Facilitator: Andi Kendle, Tech RRT Program Manager

“In 2016, the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) began the 15-year journey to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by linking each of these goals to breastfeeding. But, we cannot achieve sustainable development without multi-level partnerships at all levels.
The World Breastfeeding Week’s 25th year in 2017 is about working together for the common good! #WBW2017 will call on advocates and activists, decision-makers and celebrants to forge new and purposeful partnerships. Together, let’s attract political support, media attention, participation of young people and widen our pool of celebrants and supporters. Only then can we campaign for a generation and commit to achieving the SDGs by 2030.”[1]

In line with this WBW 2017 call, the Tech RRT would like to join the celebration of the WBW2017, emphasizing the importance of ensuring synergies among key sectors like Health, Nutrition, WASH and others as well as the need for sustained efforts to ensure multi-sectorial integration of relevant IYCF-E interventions, to contribute to the prevention of child mortality, morbidity and malnutrition.

Background on the Tech RRT project: The Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) is a partnership between International Medical Corps, Save the Children and Action Against Hunger working in close collaboration with the Global Nutrition Cluster and UNICEF, funded by USAID/OFDA. The purpose of the Tech RRT is to improve the quality of nutrition humanitarian response by deploying technical surge, providing remote support and building the capacity of nutrition partners while national capacity is overstretched or inexperienced in nutrition in emergencies. At all times, the Tech RRT aims to support and advance the specific agenda of each of its areas of technical expertise, including assessment, CMAM, IYCF-E and Social Behaviour Change - always for the collective emergency response.

Remote access: Please register by 4 August to akendle@internationalmedicalcorps.org to receive the link to our online platform. Online access is limited to the first 50 respondents.

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