On June 28th, the Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition (SISN) hosted its first live webinar entitled “An Integrative Framework for Implementation Science in Nutrition”.

A FREE recording of the webinar, including a pdf copy of the slides, can be accessed via our website: http://www.implementnutrition.org/sisnframeworkwebinar/
The webinar is targeted at researchers, policy-makers, front-line implementers, nutrition students and others working in global nutrition, and aims to promote a common understanding of some core concepts in implementation science (IS) and implementation research (IR). During the 40-minute presentation, SISN President Dr. David Pelletier provides a detailed description of 2 new tools that SISN have recently developed to advance the science and practice of implementation. These include a classification scheme for IR to assist in the categorization and characterization of different implementation approaches, and an integrative framework to act as a visual roadmap for IS in nutrition. The subsequent informative Q&A session moderated by Dr. Eva Monterrosa, highlights the need for implementers and researchers to collaborate to achieve impact-at-scale.

This event was the first in a series of educational webinars hosted by the Society. Future webinars will be restricted to SISN members only. Becoming part of this global society will enhance your professional profile, expand your networks, as well as offering opportunities to address critical implementation challenges. To learn more about SISN and to apply for membership click here: http://www.implementnutrition.org/member-application/

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