UN Network for SUN is organising webinars on Multi-sectoral Mapping of Nutrition Actions in collaboration with SecureNutrition.

Please go to http://www.securenutrition.org/event/multisectoral-mapping-nutrition-la-cartographie-multisectorielle-des-actions-de-nutrition for more information. Here, viewers will find a short description of the webinar content as well as other information related to them, including how to register.

The webinars will be held on Wednesday, 21st June at 15:00 (English webinar) and 17:00 (French webinar) Rome time . This is the first of a series of UN Network for SUN webinars, organised in collaboration with SecureNutrition, which is intended to highlight resources available to support country action in an effort to foster further knowledge-sharing.

Dear all,

I attended this webinar which was very useful and very well conducted. It was mentioned that the tool has been used in many countries already. I am unable to locate the the toolkit on the REACH/ SUN / Secure Nutrition website. Can someone please point me to the tool. This will be much appreciated.

Warm Regards



7 years ago

Dear Dr. Banerjee,

Thank you for attending the recent UN Network Webinar on Multi-sectoral Mapping of Nutrition Actions held in collaboration with SecureNutrition. We are glad to hear that you found the webinar to be helpful, and we would be happy to speak with you further about the REACH mapping tool and supporting processes, presented during the webinar. In the meantime, you may bear in mind that the REACH toolkit is comprised of the following components:

1. Country Facilitator Manual, outlining broad ‘how to’ type guidance about various REACH processes see http://www.reachpartnership.org/it/country-facilitator-manual);
2. Compendium of Actions for Nutrition, a facilitation resource to foster multi-sectoral nutrition dialogue at the country level (see http://www.reachpartnership.org/it/compendium-of-actions-for-nutrition); and
3. REACH analytical tools and their accompanying guidance, sometimes directly embedded in templates.

We are currently in the process of restructuring our website, where the above guidance materials and other resources will be posted. With that said, we encourage interested parties to reach out to the UN Network for SUN/REACH Secretariat at unnetworkforsun@wfp.org for further info about the tools. A colleague here will email you shortly about your specific mapping query.

With warm regards,



7 years ago
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