Research for nutrition CONFERENCE - #r4nut

Sharing Evidence, Uptake and Operational challenges to tackle undernutrition
Paris, FRANCE – 13th of November 2017

Action Against Hunger (AAH/ACF) invites the submission of abstracts for the next Research for Nutrition #R4NUT conference to be held in Paris, on November 13th, 2017. We are seeking submissions that describe scientific results that have the potential to improve operational interventions which aim to tackle undernutrition.

The second edition of the #R4NUT conference will address the overarching issue of nutrition security and the fight against hunger worldwide. Recent results or advancements in studies that have the potential to improve interventions will be presented and discussed. These will encompass prevention, treatment, measurement of undernutrition, including nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions.
Besides the scientific aspect, the conference will allow room for debate on the role of NGOs as research actors, the challenges they face in implementing and operationalising research, as well as the added value they have. Two themes were identified as common thread to be addressed over the years. In addition to presenting the results of their studies, speakers will be asked to highlight one of these topics in their contribution by discussing concrete challenges they faced. A debate on each subject will conclude the morning and the afternoon sessions.

Topic 1: Operational challenges: How can we improve data collection in emergency settings to support well-designed evaluations? How can we involve human beings in research in emergency settings without compromising ethical considerations? Can we better engage with communities in emergency settings? How can we better link multi-sectoral activities to enhance the quality of the humanitarian response?

Topic 2: Research Uptake: Engaging communities in research: how can we ensure communities’ participation across the research project? Participatory research makes a strong commitment to consulting and reporting back to participants but it is often the first thing to be forgotten about. How can collaboration between communities and researchers, across the research project, be fostered to improve the uptake of results?
Guidance and further information on how to prepare contributions will be provided after acceptance.

Myriam Ait Aissa, Head of Research,

For more information visit our website :
Videos of the 2016 conference:
Proceedings of the 2016 conference in Field exchange P 56 to 68:

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 6th July 2017
The form to submit can be found here

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