We are doing a WASH and Nutrition study in Kisumu,Kenya at Great Lakes University of Kisumu and we would like to get a SUN contact person to share our study.Could you assist,we have been trying to reach Gladys but in vain

Please write to lillian@ennonline.net, she can help you.

Ambarka Youssoufane


7 years ago

You can also contact Professor Patrick Kolestern



7 years ago

Dear Sir/Madam,
We at the SUN Movement Secretariat would also like to know more about your study, as we support the dissemination of work to strengthen WASH-Nutrition linkages.

Please send us any documentation we can review, so that we can then discuss how to help you disseminate it.

Best wishes,

Sergio Cooper Teixeira


7 years ago

cLcEZn http://www.LnAJ7K8QSpfMO2wQ8gO.com



6 years ago
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