Currently there are lots of documents regarding IYCF published by UN (WHO/UNICEF/UNHCR), NGO, and national governement level. These documents are mainly focused on strategy how to improve IYCF practices, indicators and assessments methodology, and guiding principles. Some national training guidlines are specific to health workers
I have managed to get one training guide (WHO/UNICEF 2006) but that is very general/comprensive (from community volunteer to Doctor level) that is requires more than a week (39 sessions).
so, I wonder if anyone share me IYCF (including emergency context) training guide specifically for community volunteers which is concise that can be given with 1-2 days.
Dear Anon
You could look at the infant and young child feeding counselling package that have been developed under the CARE Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Initiative, in partnership with University Research Co., LLC (URC), and Center for Human Services (CHS). It has been developed and widely used in the Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya. There is great visual content.
It is available at: and scroll down to the 'Counselling Methodology' section where there is link . Some information about the content below:
The Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Trainer's Guide is part of a training package to train low literacy, community-level Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Counsellors to help mothers, fathers and other caregivers optimally feed their infants and young children. This package includes Counselling Cards, Trainers Guide and training aids. The Guide is intended to equip trainers with basic counselling skills, and technical knowledge of key practices and messages related to breastfeeding, infant and young child complementary feeding, and feeding of the sick child. The key practices are illustrated on an integrated set of 18 counselling cards, and described in a Message Booklet that accompanies the Trainer's Guide. The Infant and Young Child Counselling Trainer's Guide and training aids were developed for use in low resource settings, without dependence on the use of slides or other media projection, flip charts or writing materials.
14 years ago