Dear friends,

We are very excited to announce the launch of the State of Severe Malnutrition website today ( [French version- ])

The website provides a comprehensive overview of all qualitative and quantitative resources on acute malnutrition (both its moderate and severe forms), bringing together all the information and resources from the CMAM Forum, data from the Coverage Monitoring Network, as well as never-previously released data from UNICEF to provide a global and country-specific overview of acute malnutrition. The website also contains a mapping of ongoing research on the prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition as well as highlighting areas of innovation and upcoming events.

We know that the new site may take some time getting used to so please check out the ‘Website Guide’ page to understand how to navigate your way around the site.

We want you to be part of the ongoing development of the website. You can add to the discussions on data or submit resources and events. We hope you will join us, adding to the global conversation on this important topic.

The website will be a work in progress for the first few months as you and others submit data or engage in discussions. If anything seems to be missing, please do let us know or feel free to submit any additional resources.

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