UNICEF Niger is looking for a consultant to provide technical support to the DHS Niger (Nutrition part). Candidatures must be sent before the 12th of May 2017 to the following link: http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/?job=504342

More details on the ToR and how to apply are provided below.


Technical support to the Demographic and Health Survey of Niger (EDSN) 2017 (aspects related to Nutrition)


Niger is in the process of preparing the fifth (5th) Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), which will update information on the main socio-demographic indicators. Indeed, this survey will make it possible to know the real situation of social indicators in terms of survival, family planning, development and protection of children and women. The data from this survey can also be used to establish a baseline situation for the country's new development framework and for some SDG indicators. The 2017 NDHS will also be a tool for the evaluation of the development programs implemented as well as the sectoral plans (health, education, hydraulics, etc.).

For nutrition partners, this survey will collect nutritional information. This will be part of the annual epidemiological monitoring of the nutritional situation during the lean season in order to have rapid and reliable information on the nutritional situation of children under five, due to the vagaries of the Sahel and particularly in Niger where food crises are recurrent. The results of this survey will be used to better guide the interventions of the government and its partners with a view to alleviating the deterioration of the nutritional status of children under five years of age.

This survey will be conducted jointly by the National Institute of Statistics (NSI) and the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) with the technical and financial support of UNICEF and other agencies of the United Nations system. It will cover all regions of Niger. Based on the experience of the latest National Nutrition Survey of 2016, NSI sought and obtained technical support from UNICEF through an international consultant (Level P3).


The general objective is to support the implementation of the Niger Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS 2017) with particular attention to nutrition aspects to ensure the quality of the data related to nutrition.


The methodology was defined in collaboration with a Steering Committee. It should be noted that this survey is complex and cumbersome. First for anthropometry, in the sampled households, all women aged 15-49 and all children aged 6-59 months will be weighed and measured in order to determine their nutritional status (wasting, underweight and stunting for children, and Body Mass Index for women). There will also be a test of the salt used for cooking to determine its iodine content. And what will be different in this survey is the anemia test with blood samples from all women aged 15-49 of the households sampled as well as all children under 5 years old present in these households.

There is therefore a need for good training of field workers, but also good control and close supervision during collection.


The Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the UNICEF Niger Chief of Nutrition, in close collaboration with the Nutrition Cluster Coordinator. However, all the tasks will be carried out in close collaboration with the technical team of the NDHS under the direction of the INS and the Direction de Nutrition (Ministry of Public Health).

To do this, he/she will:

• Propose / revise and document the different levels of coordination and supervision for the investigation as well as the responsibilities of each of the members involved;
• Participate in the final recruitment process for all the human resources required for the survey in support of the NSI technical team;
• Coordinate and facilitate the training of supervisors and investigators using the interviewer's guide, particularly with regard to nutrition modules and participate in the pre-test to validate the questionnaire;
• Accompany and supervise teams in the field to ensure the quality of data collection.
• Verify and validate the quality of the data entered on a daily basis by the team leaders at the end of each survey day. The data and plausibility reports must be recorded on a USB key every day by the team leaders.
• Document limitations, constraints, difficulties or shortcomings in the collection of data by drawing up regular supervision reports;
• Supervise and coordinate the cleaning of data as they are collected;
• Analyze and interpret the results of the survey with members of the technical team;
• Participate in the drafting of the final report and prepare a report on the nutrition component.
• Present the results of the survey to the steering committee (Powerpoint) two weeks after the end of the data collection;
• Create a CD-ROM / External Hard Disk for archiving the survey.


• Progress reports at different phases of the survey:
• Quality nutritional data including:
• the prevalence of acute, moderate and severe acute malnutrition among children aged 6 to 59 months is known
• the prevalence of chronic (moderate and severe) chronic malnutrition among children aged 6 to 59 months is known
• the prevalence of overall, moderate and severe underweight among children aged 6 to 59 months is known
• Indicators on infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF) are evaluated
• the results of the survey are known, analyzed and shared with all the key actors


• Master's Degree in Social Sciences, Public Health, Nutrition or any equivalent field;
• At least five years experience in the field of surveys and experience in nutrition surveys;
• Good ability to write study reports, evaluations and / or surveys;
• Good knowledge of the problem of malnutrition;
• Good knowledge of computer tools and statistical analysis software (ENA and EPI-Info, SPSS, STATA or other);
• Experience in the use of mobile telephony for data collection would be an asset;
• Language proficiency in French, the official language of the country.


01 June 2017 to 31 January 2018 (8 months) with possibility of extension.


• The Consultant will work in the UNICEF office. However, he/she will travel within the country during the data collection phase, based on the work plan agreed with the supervisor and the steering committee. UNICEF will be responsible for transportation on the ground. During the intense period of work, he/she will be able to work at the INS according to needs and the availability of adequate workspace.
• For travel to and from Niger, the Consultant will travel in economy class according to the most direct and cheapest route.
• The Consultant must complete all the administrative formalities required by the organization.
• The Consultant must have his / her own laptop.


The application form includes a cover letter, form P11 (Personal History), which can be downloaded from http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_apply.html or from the United Nations web site) and an up-to-date CV and a copy of the highest diploma must be attached to the submission of the application.

Candidates must indicate in their letter of motivation, their aptitude and readiness to carry out the terms of reference, as well as their remuneration proposal. This inclusive remuneration must include the daily fee, per diem and air ticket. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Only selected candidates will be contacted.

How to apply:
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities. To apply, click on the following link http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/?job=504342

Job ID: # 2007959

Career Categories: Program / Project Management

Country: Niger

City: Niamey

Theme: Food and Nutrition

Years of experience: 0-3 years

Job type: Consultancy

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