is sphere 2010 ready for use?anyone with copy?need to quickly make reference. As I wait for reference what is the average weight gain of children on ready to use therapeutic food-plumpynut? assuming a well implemented program with good cure rates?
NOTE : I AM NOT A REPRESENTATIVE OF SPHERE I think that this is now "SPHERE 2011" as work was interrupted by the Haiti and and Pakistan emergencies. I'm expecting the new handbook to be available around the middle of next year. You can follow the progress at: [url][/url] and on the project blog: [url],english/[/url] The 2011 draft was due to be ready in October 2010 so you may be able to get an advance copy from SPHERE. I suggest you []contact them[/url] directly. As for average weight gain on RUTF ... I am not aware that this will be changed from 5 g / kg / day. You should, I think, post this question to [url=]Prevention and treatment of severe acute malnutrition forum[/url] ... they may be better informed.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


13 years ago
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