Dear Dr Chris


First, congratulation for your plan, I think we need more and more of similar studies so that we could work and support our governments on the urgent need to fully adopt the Int Code and all the recommendations of the subsequent relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions. We need to protect children all over the world against the aggressive and sometime unregulated marketing of products for infants and young child feeding;

Now, what I would like to do at this stage, is to share with you few links of related and relevant studies that in a way or another have tried to answer the question of "what is the impact/influence of infant formula marketing on breastfeeding practices". I am sure you did already your literature review, but its just for you to see the different methods used. At the same, I would like to ask if you could share a bit more in terms of your research questions and some more details on what your methods would be.

1. J Urban Health. 2008 Jul; 85(4): 486–504.
Published online 2008 May 8. doi: 10.1007/s11524-008-9279-6
PMCID: PMC2443254
Marketing Breastfeeding—Reversing Corporate Influence on Infant Feeding Practices
Deborah L. Kaplancorresponding author1 and Kristina M. Graff2

2.Am J Public Health. 2008 February; 98(2): 290–295.
doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2006.103218
PMCID: PMC2376885
Marketing Infant Formula Through Hospitals: the Impact of Commercial Hospital Discharge Packs on Breastfeeding
Kenneth D. Rosenberg, MD, MPH, Carissa A. Eastham, MS, Laurin J. Kasehagen, PhD, MA, and Alfredo P. Sandoval, MBA, MS

3.The effect of milk formula advertisement on breast feeding and other infant feeding practice in Lagos, Nigeria
UA Onyechi, LC Nwabuzor

4.Infant feeding and the media: the relationship between Parents' Magazine content and breastfeeding, 1972–2000
Katherine A FossEmail author and Brian G Southwell
International Breastfeeding Journal20061:10
DOI: 10.1186/1746-4358-1-10© Foss and Southwell; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2006
Received: 29 September 2005Accepted: 30 April 2006Published: 30 April 2006

A Study of Marketing and its Effect on Infant
Feeding Practices
A Suleiman, MPH, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur

6.The Role of the Mass Media in Women’s Infant Feeding Decisions
A Dissertation Presented

Toddler milk advertising in Australia: the infant
formula ads we have when we don’t have infant
formula ads

Is unimpeded marketing for breast milk substitutes responsible for the decline in
breastfeeding in the Philippines? An exploratory survey and focus group analysis

Alessandro Iellamo


7 years ago

Hi there--we have some journal articles/related materials exactly relevant to this question. I am checking with my colleagues and will reply soon with details. --Ann at Alive & Thrive.

Ann Hendrix-Jenkins


7 years ago

Here's some work that A&T has done that can shed light on your query...and a few extra articles.

Snyder, L. B. (2007). Health communication campaigns and their impact on behavior. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 39(2), S32-S40.

McDivitt, J. A., Zimicki, S., Hornik, R., & Abulaban, A. (1993). The impact of the Healthcom mass media campaign on timely initiation of breastfeeding in Jordan. Studies in family planning, 295-309.

Wakefield, M. A., Loken, B., & Hornik, R. C. (2010). Use of mass media campaigns to change health behaviour. The Lancet, 376(9748), 1261-1271.

Ann Hendrix-Jenkins


7 years ago
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