In the 0-5 month range, are exclusive breastfeeding and breastfeeding exclusive categories?

In reports, MICS found, for example, 30% exclusive breastfeeding and predominant breastfeeding of 85%.

Thank you.

Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant receives no other foods or liquids except breastmilk, not even water. Under this definition the infant may receive prescribed medicines.

Predominant Breastfeeding means a feeding pattern which requires that the infant receive breast milk (including milk expressed or from wet nurse) as the predominant source of nourishment. It allows the infant to receive liquids (water and water-based drinks, fruit, juice, oral rehydration solution), ritual fluids and drops or syrups (vitamins, minerals, medicines).

You can see that there is a vast difference. In order to maximize infant health, including protection against the number and severity of infections, and to maximize nutrition and cognitive development, WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding from birth to 6 months. NO exceptions!

Pamela Morrison


7 years ago

Dear Martin,
Exclusively Breastfed infants are included in the Numerator of the
predominantly Breasfed indicator. that said, the 2 indicators are not

Predominantly breastfed children = exclusively Breasfed children+
children who have Breastmilk as predominant source of feeding ( wet nurse for ie ) in addition to water or water based drinks or juice

Check these refs for further details :


I hope this clarifies the calculation.



7 years ago

For More Exclusive Breast feeding optimal standards read WHO manual; follow this link

Kemal J. Tunne


7 years ago
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