You are invited to join a discussion on Mother-led MUAC screening (PB Mères) on Tuesday 4 April 2017, hosted by World Vision’s Interest Group for Nutrition, with speakers from both World Vision and Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA), who researched and developed this innovative approach and implemented in Niger. The webinar will be held in both French and English.

ENGLISH: Tuesday 4 April 2017, 12:00 noon to 13:15 UTC (08:00 to 09:15 EST)
Register for the English Webinar
FRENCH: Tuesday 4 April 2017/mardi 4 avril 2017, 14:00 - 15:15 UTC (10:00 - 11:15 EST)
Register for the French webinar/Inscrivez-vous ici pour webinaire en français

Involving mothers in nutrition screening activities recognizes the fact that they are best placed to identify early signs of malnutrition and reinforces their role in protecting and promoting their child’s health. In 2011, the Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) began studying the feasibility of training mothers to measure mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and detect oedema in Niger and in 2016 produced Guidelines for Trainers on the Mother-MUAC approach.
World Vision piloted this approach in Mauritania as part of an Emergency Nutrition and WASH program, which was the first time the approach had been used in Mauritania.

Learn more and access resources and videos about this innovative approach:

Kevin Phelan, Nutrition Advisor, ALIMA
Dèo Sibongwere, Medical Coordinator, ALIMA Niger
Judith Haase, Regional Nutrition Advisor, World Vision
Naroua Ousmane, Project Manager, World Vision Mauritania
Mohamadou Abass Ngaide, Health and Nutrition Coordinator, World Vision Mauritania
Colleen Emary, Senior Emergency Nutrition Advisor, World Vision International

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