This position is aimed at consolidating Action Against Hunger’s Tanzania nutrition technical and programming capacity and at supporting the development of partners’ nutrition capacities in country. This includes operating within a broad nutrition specific, nutrition sensitive and enabling environment remit.

Action Against Hunger was recently established in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and initiated institutional and partnering support work in the context of renewed development partners efforts to address the heavy prevalence and burden of child undernutrition (2015/2016).
During 2016, the Government of Tanzania, in collaboration with Development Partners has initiated, concluded and recently approved a new National Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan (NMNAP) for the 2016/17-2020/21 period – Action Against Hunger has been one of the active members in supporting the development of this plan. Thus, during 2016, Action Against Hunger has been positioning itself successfully as an International NGO partner with dedicated expertise in addressing undernutrition through active participation in planning for renewed efforts in addressing undernutrition. Core to the emerging strategy of Action Against Hunger in Tanzania is the development and support of strategic partnerships, which are aimed at accelerating and widening the reach of existing partners’ efforts to address undernutrition. The objective is to do so through a multi layered (national, regional, district and community), multi sector and multi stakeholder collaborative approach.
The NMNAP is now due to begin its implementation, and so additional nutrition support efforts are required from various partners, including Action Against Hunger. There are various operational and technical needs which have already been identified as areas of support work where Action Against Hunger Tanzania can add value, and key partnerships which have been developed.
Being at a nascent stage of organisational development, Action Against Hunger is aiming to operate in Tanzania with a different business as usual model country programmes through: low cost, flexible and innovative approaches; highly collaborative position as a catalyser of re-energised nutrition action; and an enabler, facilitator and capacity developer of expertise, knowledge, and high quality in nutrition specific, sensitive, and enabling environment programming in Tanzania.
Through this position, Action Against Hunger is seeking to further assert its programming, technical and partnering position in country; build immediate and much needed nutrition capacity; develop and refine concrete programmatic and project ideas; explore nutrition funding opportunities.

Work to be Accomplished
Scope - The Nutrition Expert will review and analyse key areas of nutrition programming and capacity nutrition work of Action Against Hunger key partners in country. This will be followed by specific project and proposal development design which will be used as the foundation for donor negotiation, where required identification of ideal collaboration mechanisms. The approach will be consultative and participatory, and will balance the wider Action Against Hunger expertise with the nutrition action priorities in Tanzania. The Nutrition Expert will seek to bring innovation, broker knowledge, and position further the organisation as leader on nutrition security issues in country. Specifically, the Nutrition Expert will work in the following topics:
1. Understand the current and prospective Action Against Hunger Tanzania partners’ nutrition programmes, the needs the areas of support and the concrete project collaboration opportunities
2. Design and support the development of joint project, capacity building and policy development work where relevant
3. Identify new potential partners, where required which are already active in nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive, work with whom Action Against Hunger may be able to work in the near future
4. Where and when relevant, engage with donors, in raising the profile of the organisation and flagging the need for increased nutrition intervention
5. Participate and / or liaise with specific nutrition technical fora where required
6. Identify Tanzanian technical Human Resources expertise which may be able to support the next stages of development and project implementation of Action Against Hunger work in Tanzania.
Outputs – The Nutrition Expert will produce a set of deliverables throughout the work period. Some of these deliverable will be co-created in collaboration with the Country Director.
1. A brief technical strategy document highlighting the specific areas of desirable support work for the organisation, and the timings for each of the programme, project, capacity building and policy development work.
2. Actively contribute to the donor trends analysis and the proactive identification of donor opportunities for Action Against Hunger’s nutrition security programming in 2017 and onwards.
3. Design and develop nutrition security project proposal(s) (including if and when required nutrition and health, WASH, livelihoods, SBC, safety nets, DRM components...) with key selected partners, based on rigorous needs analysis, for negotiation and submission to donors.
4. Support on-going technical capacity development work, where required, in specific areas of institutional support in alignment with the NMNAP if and when required for adequate positioning in country.
5. Produce a summary of own analysis on nutrition security technical ‘know-how’ in country.
6. Identified shortlisted of nutrition security Human Resources potential.
7. Ongoing active contribution to the Action Against Hunger Tanzania thinking, positioning and collaborative work.
8. A web based discussion with key programme and technical leaders within Action Against Hunger, highlighting outcomes of scoping, strategy development and proposal development work to be presented.

Place of the Assignment
Flexible, preferably in Dar es Salaam; or home based with regular stays over prolonged periods in Dar es Salaam. In-country travel required.

Period of performance
Over a four month period, starting from early March 2017, susceptible to extension depending on funding and performance.

Required qualifications, technical skills and competencies
• Previous experience with Action Against Hunger
• Relevant University Degree of pertinence to the Nutrition scope of work
• Understanding of development contexts on nutrition security, ideally in the East Africa Region (on Tanzania an asset)
• Innovative and cutting edge expertise on nutrition security, health systems strengthening and community mobilisation
• Ability operate within different thinking frames of specific technical knowledge and nutrition expertise
• Excellent communication skills, written and oral
• Experience and ability in programme and project design and proposal development
• Cultural sensitivity
• Experience in project, capacity development and advisory support
• Ability to navigate complexity
• Flexibility and patience

How to Apply
Submit an expression of interest, which must include:
• A cover letter of no more than 1 page introducing the Nutrition Expert and describing the motivation, skills and competencies described above are met. Where appropriate it should provide concrete examples of previous strategic and conceptual experience on nutrition security and partnership based work. The applicants’ availability should also be mentioned during the proposed period.
• A CV detailing relevant skills and experience of no more than 2 pages, including contactable referees.

Expressions of interest should be sent to Angeline Grant - agrant@actionagainsthunger.org

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a web based interview with the relevant Action Against Hunger team.

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