Background Information - UNOPS

UNOPS supports the successful implementation of its partners’ peacebuilding, humanitarian and development projects around the world. Our mission is to serve people in need by expanding the ability of the United Nations, governments and other partners to manage projects, infrastructure and procurement in a sustainable and efficient manner.

Working in some of the world’s most challenging environments, our vision is to advance sustainable implementation practices, always satisfying or surpassing our partners’ expectations.

With over 7,000 personnel spread across 80 countries, UNOPS offers its partners the logistical, technical and management knowledge they need, wherever they need it.

A flexible structure and global reach means that we can quickly respond to our partners' needs, while offering the benefits of economies of scale.

Background Information - Myanmar

Myanmar is one of UNOPS leading offices in Asia, acting as fund manager for three of the largest development programmes in the country, namely the Three Millennium Development Goal Fund (3MDG), the Livelihood and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) and the Joint Peace Fund (JPF). In addition, UNOPS Myanmar is Principal Recipient for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Myanmar and Cambodia, and for the Global Fund¹s Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative targeting drug resistant malaria in the Greater Mekong sub-region. UNOPS provides procurement, infrastructure and project management services to a wide range of organizations in the country, including the Government of Myanmar, international development partners, other UN agencies, NGOs and INGOs. UNOPS Myanmar plays a critical role in ensuring that the quality of services provided to its partners meets stringent requirements of speed, efficiency and cost effectiveness.
Background Information - Job-specific

One child in three below the age of five in Myanmar is stunted (below average height for age). This is mainly due to inadequate diets and repeated infections in the first 1000 days of life from conception through to two years of age. Both 3MDG and LIFT are major sources of funding for activities that aim to reduce stunting.

The 3MDG Fund is financing the delivery of an integrated and essential package of maternal, new born and child health services across 34 townships in Myanmar (population coverage is over 4 million). This is being undertaken through nutrition specific work that includes access to preventive services such as the provision of micronutrients, deworming and immunization for mothers and children, and also increased access to curative services for young children and improved and promotion of exclusive breastfeeding and better feeding practices.

LIFT’s portfolio of nutrition work has grown considerably over the last 18 months and includes currently seven projects focused entirely on nutrition ($17 million) - including the provision of cash transfers for the first 1000 days of a child’s life - and many projects with nutrition-sensitive components in agriculture (including fisheries), water and sanitation, and social protection.
Reducing stunting in children under two years of age has also become a very important part of 3MDG’s and LIFT’s policy and advocacy work, something that is likely to increase further with the new Government’s commitment to improving nutrition outcomes in Myanmar. Many other development partners are supporting nutrition across sectors and are ready to scale up behind the new Government’s vision, at the moment coverage of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions is low and variable. The opportunities and challenges are in reach, capacity, resources and coordination.

Functional Responsibilities

UNOPS Myanmar is seeking a Nutrition Policy Specialist to enable 3MDG and LIFT to significantly increase their policy analysis and policy advocacy work on maternal and child nutrition. The post holder will also have an important role in ensuring the quality and effectiveness of UNOPS’ portfolio of nutrition interventions as well as ensuring those interventions generate evidence and lessons in support of national nutrition policies, structures and programmes. The post will work closely with the UN Network on Food Security and Nutrition as well as the 3MDG and LIFT, including the respective Fund Directors and the respective policy, communications and M&E teams.

Under the overall direction of the UNOPS Myanmar Country Director, the Nutrition Policy Specialist will work in accordance with UNOPS policies, procedures and practices. The Nutrition Policy Specialist will be responsible for following tasks and areas of activities:

Policy Engagement, Research and Advocacy

Lead and develop UNOPS’ joined-up nutrition engagement (through 3MDG and LIFT) for a more coordinated cross-sectoral approach to address nutrition in Myanmar, specifically by:
Leading the development and implementation of UNOPS’ nutrition-related policy engagement in Myanmar.
Working closely with the United Nations Network on Nutrition and Food Security to develop joint UN policy briefs and position papers related to maternal and child nutrition.
Developing UNOPS, 3MDG and LIFT policy briefs and position papers related to maternal and child nutrition.
Directing and overseeing UNOPS-supported research on nutrition.
Support, as appropriate, the Government of Myanmar in strengthening coordination on nutrition between the government and development partners, including donors, the United Nations, civil society and the private sector.
Support, as appropriate, the Government of Myanmar to develop the nutrition evidence base across sectors and use it to inform national nutrition policy and action.
Engage with Government of Myanmar and development partners on post-3MDG and post-LIFT architecture and funding for nutrition in Myanmar by identifying opportunities to align behind the Government of Myanmar’s vision for nutrition.
Provide inputs for the preparation of 3MDG and LIFT’s annual and semi-annual reports as well as other updates as required.


Represent UNOPS at relevant national and sub-national networks and build understanding of UNOPS’ work in nutrition. This will include the SUN platform and the UN Network on Nutrition and Food Security.
Communicate UNOPS’ nutrition-related priorities to partners and colleagues. This will entail working closely with communications and knowledge management colleagues in the Fund Management Offices of 3MDG and LIFT.
Build strong networks with government ministries, development partners and academic institutions working on nutrition to collaborate on joint learning, analysis and advocacy initiatives.

Quality and effectiveness of UNOPS-supported interventions

Support the preparation of appraisals of nutrition-related proposals to 3MDG and LIFT.
Work with 3MDG and LIFT implementing partners to address nutrition in the preparation, implementation and evaluation phases of projects.
Support UNOPS-funded projects to develop appropriate monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning plans.
Identify key learning opportunities from UNOPS’ portfolio of projects and proactively design and organise opportunities to share key lessons.

Monitoring and Progress Controls

The Nutrition Specialist will contribute to the overall targets and needs of UNOPS, and specifically for LIFT and 3MDG. He/She will be responsible to develop and implement an individual yearly workplan that spells out the objectives and results to be achieved within a specified tolerance.

To apply, please visit

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