Dear IYCF experts and practitioners:

There is a magazine article circulating in social media and the title is "After Her Baby's Accidental Death, This Mom Is Speaking Out About Why Breast Isn't Always Best". I really find this magazine article quite disturbing and would like to know what is your take on this issue. You may find the article here and also here

Hoping to hear your viewpoint on this.


P.S. We all know that social media is a platform where you can generate a good number of audience and oftentimes influence people's decisions.

We have had many requests about this. See this response from UNICEF UK BFI
The US BFHI has also done a response - that's a PDF - not sure if I can upload it.

Re the new DEC appeal here is a blog piece about the need for care in messaging about IYCF.

Patti Rundall

Patti Rundall, Baby Milk Action IBFAN UK


7 years ago

Here is a link to the Baby Friendly USA statement:

Jodine Chase


7 years ago
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