Dear nutrition experts,

I turn to you with a request for your expertise and knowledge on the WASH-Nutrition link.

In efforts to fight undernutrition, poor WASH has been identified as one of the major underlying causes. Insufficient food intake, poor or inadequate absorption and use of nutrients, and repeated infectious diseases lead to poor nutritional status.

Following the Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum 2015, we (the German WASH Network) are currently working on furthering the link in cooperation with partners. As one contribution, I am undertaking a survey to assess the status of the sector, identify developments, shed light on the scope and bottlenecks of and between different stakeholder groups. Findings from the survey will feed into a later publication.

Many thanks for taking 20 - 30 minutes to fill out the survey and contribute with your knowledge and insight before 17 March.

There are surveys tailored to different groups. Please choose the one most relevant to you:

• Implementation: experts from implementing organisations from the headquarters as well as from country offices (programming, implementation, operation research)
• Advocacy: representatives of organisations / networks with a strong political focus and policy work
• Donors: team leaders and focal points of / in WASH and nutrition divisions of multi- and bi-lateral donor agencies
• Research: professors, doctors and research fellows, who run and work in academic research projects at the WASH & Nutrition nexus (academic research

Kind regards,

Dear ENN Community,

Thanks for participating in the survey above and for your interest in WASH-Nutrition.

The results of the survey together with other WASH-Nutrition resources fed into the newly launched publication "2+6=17 Linking WASH and Nutrition - A Blueprint for Living SDG 17". It is available in the Library of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA):

We hope, this document is of use to you and your organization in your efforts to link both thematic areas in order to better provide basic services to everyone, especially the most vulnerable.




7 years ago

humanity poisons itself every day by drinking its excrement from the day before Man cleans his excrement with water that he throws into nature with all its impurities without cleaning it because no cleaning action existed to date The biological purifying function has just been discovered

the problem of the quality of surface or underground water is intimately linked to the problem of waste water, its lack of cleaning.

8 billion liters of urine and 65,000 tons of faecal matter are dumped into the environment every day, to which must be added all the industrial, chemical, acid, medical and paramedical pollution.

a global catastrophe that nobody cares about

D'Alexandris jean Marius


1 year ago
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