Would greatly appreciate advice, lessons learned, and other direction on finding info on emergency recuperation ration. Specifically, this is a two-week ration of specialized nutritional commodities for displaced populations.

A Pubmed and Google Scholar search yielded very little in terms of implementation of this ration, whether it is standardized between country/emergency responses, and what the findings show that the ration should primarily be used for (preventative or treatment approaches).

Looking forward to thoughts and insights.

Please refere to a publication " Food and Nutrition Needs in Emergency"

jointly published byUNHCR, UNICEF, WHo and WFP in 2001. Thank you.



8 years ago

Thanks Rita.

Here is a link to the publication: http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/emergencies/a83743/en/

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago
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