Food and nutrition insecurity in the Sahel is a complex dynamic of chronic issues and acute needs.

We are undertaking a cost-benefit analysis of comprehensive programming in Mali. While traditional methods of costing can be applied, identifying and quantifying 'benefit', particularly given limited data, presently and over time, poses a challenge.

The team is seeking thoughts from the nutrition community on examples and suggestions of cost and benefit for TSF, BSFP, and Emergency Recuperation Ration.

Specifically, we are looking to identify methodologies for cost-benefit analysis specific and sensitive to CMAM, but also how to use the data for decisionmaking in programming (scale up and integration of programming).

A big challenge is taking this 'benefit' and connecting it to impact, as in connecting it to incidence and mortality. Has this been done before and are their sound methodologies from other countries/emergencies?

Thanks very much.

Any and all thoughts are welcome!

This recent paper looks at different methods used to assess cost-benefit of addressing undernutrition generally, though many of the same considerations could apply to wasting. I'm not aware of any studies specifically addressing the interventions you mention.

Hope this is of some help, and apologies for the late reply!

Chloe Puett


7 years ago

Thanks Chloe! Seems like an excellent study

Two questions

1. Are there others, specifically amongst WB, who have conducted such a study within a country? It seems as though most of the cost benefit analyes on scaling up programming are at a global level? It would be great to see a CBA, CEA, or even a unit costing specific to a country?

2. Is there somewhere to obtain access to this paper for those of us who don't have institutional access?

Thanks very much



7 years ago

Dear Sir,

I read the abstract and found that it is interesting. I kindly request you to share the article.

Thanks for the support!



7 years ago

Hi there,
As part of a research team conducting a few field studies (CEA) on malnutrition right now, I would like to share two more references that you might find useful in addition to Chloe's great list!
Cost analysis of the treatment of severe acute malnutrition in West Africa
Protocol for the economic evaluation of a community-based intervention to improve growth among children under two in rural India (CARING trial)


Ye Shen


7 years ago

LRDO - Organization has assessed nutritional needs that it is hazardous stages / specially under five, infants , pregnant mothers & lactating mothers & even there is no any save motherhood & save childhood plans in Somalia since 2009 now everything about food security issues are in crisis, also there is no public or private institutions or organization is ready to help these vulnerable people in malnutrition crisis even Somali women riverine farmers are in desperate need to be supported within the fruit & vegetable seed supplies

thanks a lot
Agric- Engineer

thanks a lot

Yusuf Lare


7 years ago
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