Dear Global Health and Nutrition Community,

You are invited to World Vision's Global Health, Nutrition and HIV Community of Practice February Discussion. Addressing the health and nutrition needs of populations affected by disasters has always been a priority focus for World Vision. In this Community discussion, the emergency health strategy working group will lead us in an orientation to this new response framework, the changes that were made, and how the strategy is taking shape within our global programmes. This webinar discussion is being offered at two times.

Time #1: 13:00 GMT 16 February
Time #2: 04:00 GMT 17 February


APPROACH OBJECTIVE: To reduce mortality and morbidity in vulnerable populations affected by humanitarian emergencies and restore access to curative and preventative health and nutrition services.

1. Vulnerable groups such as women and children can access essential health and nutrition services in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
2. Health and nutrition systems are strengthened to meet the immediate and longer term needs of the affected populations.
3. Families and communities are supported to understand, monitor and protect themselves from public health risks, ensure each other’s wellbeing and access to health and nutrition services.
4. Early Warning and Surveillance are established to enable rapid detection and response to public health issues of concern.
5. Inter-agency level health and nutrition coordination platforms (area / country / regional levels) are supported, effective and meeting key needs of target groups

Speakers: Dr Mesfin Teklu (WVI Partnership Leader, Global Health and Nutrition), Emma Littledike (WVI Senior Emergency Nutrition Advisor), Claire Beck (WVI Disaster Management Director, Global Technical Teams)

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