Dear all,

As you may be aware, Action Contre la Faim (ACF) has recently conducted a study on whether RUTF should be added on the Essential Medicines list (EML) of WHO and of countries. We have concluded that having RUTF on the EML would be an important step to advance SAM treatment coverage globally.

We have thus submitted an application to the WHO Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines for RUTF to be accepted to the EML as an item.

The committee accepts comments on and letters in support of our application from individuals, organizations or governments until the 24 February 2017. There are good chances that this application will go through but letters of support from the scientific community, NGOs as well as governments are likely to have an important impact.

You can see the application to the WHO Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines on this link:
and get more information on how to submit an online letter of support here:

We have already drafted a letter and centralize signatures for this. You can also use our draft to submit a separate letter for your organization.

Please get in touch if you or your organization are potentially interested in signing such a letter, want to see the draft or have more information on the arguments of putting RUTF on the EML:

Many thanks and have a nice day,

Dear Sonja,
This is a great initiative to include RUTF among the EML of WHO and also of the ministry of health, MoH should be hardly convinced to register the RUTF in their essential list but this step sholud follow WHO EML addition.
This call Not only will increase the geographical and treatment coverage of SAM affected cases but also will form an advocacy-like paper for any RUTF quantity outside the country and needed to enter the country without further delay as an essential drug..etc

Tammam Ali Mohammed Ahmed


7 years ago

This question has been re-posted with revised details of how to take action and sign a letter of support. Please see here:

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago
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