To effectively manage an MCC funded community-based Therapeutic Care Project in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget laid down in the proposal, in Raghistan district, Badakhshan; To ensure that beneficiary participation is enhanced in all phases of the project; To manage & train National staff working on the project. Project Overview To improve the nutritional status of vulnerable populations affected by recent natural disasters in Raghistan district (Badakhshan) through: Increased household level awareness and practice of health and nutrition promoting behaviours; Improved access to effective nutritional treatment for acutely malnourished children under 5 and vulnerable pregnant / lactating women in targeted communities of Raghistan East District; Building local MoPH and community capacity to prevent and respond to acute malnutrition. Medair Medair brings life-saving relief and rehabilitation in disasters, conflict areas, and other crises by working alongside the most vulnerable. Its staff are inspired by their Christian faith to care for people in need, providing practical and compassionate support, regardless of race, religion, or politics. Workplace: Kabul Badakhshan province Starting Date: January 2011 Contract Details: 1 year, preferably 2, 100% Key activity areas Technical / Management .Update and manage a comprehensive activity plan covering the time frame of the project proposal. .Ensure that the national CTC draft guidelines and international CTC guidelines are strictly followed throughout the project. .Assist in implementing nutritional assessments/surveys as required. .Ensure the quality and sustainability of the project outputs. .Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation assessments against project objectives. .Ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities (monthly, quarterly and final reports). .Support the Programme Coordinator and Country Director in the development of new proposals. .Support the nutrition sector by suggesting improvements to the nutritional sector section in the Medair e-library to the HQ Health Advisor. Logistics and finance .To co-ordinate with the logistics department and ensure all project related equipment is available on site in a timely fashion Staff management .Oversee all staff based in the nutrition project including recruitment, appraisal, management, general well-being, job descriptions, work schedules, discipline etc in coordination with the Projects Coordinator. .Provide training to all National staff working on the project, as necessary (within budget and operational constraints) so as to ensure ownership and full local responsibility of all project activities. Qualifications . BSc/MSc or equivalent in Nutrition, Nursing, or related medical degree . MPH desirable Experience / Competencies . 2 years minimum experience post qualification in project management position in developing country, preferably with 1 year's experience in Nutrition related projects . 1 year's overseas experience in relief work managing and implementing community based therapeutic programmes desirable . Experience designing and implementing nutritional surveys in developing countries desirable . Experience with nutritional or public health software such as EPI info, SMART, SPSS, STATA desirable . Good report writing skills . Proven cross-cultural sensitivity and flexibility required . Able to prioritise clearly . Good interpersonal skills . Good negotiation skills, especially in the context of another culture . Aptitude for community mobilization and capacity-building For more information on this and other positions, please follow this web link: [url][/url] and check the Field Vacancies. We request that you complete all applications on-line at [url][/url].
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