Project Summary
The proposed Emergency Nutrition and WASH Response (ENWR) aims to contribute towards humanitarian lifesaving that focuses primarily on children U5. The ultimate outcome is lives saved for drought affected populations in the provinces of Benguela and Huila in the South West of Angola. The project will be integrated with World Vision’s ECHO funded Emergency Nutrition program in Huila and OFDA funded Disaster Risk Reduction project in Benguela province.

Nutrition interventions will increase coverage of Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) for children U5 in three drought affected municipalities of Benguela. The project will work with Community Health Agents (CHAs) for the identification of malnourished children between 6 and 59 months of age and refer them to the nearest nutrition center for a first medical consultation. Children with SAM and complications will be referred to inpatient nutrition centers while SAM children without complications will be treated at the outpatient nutrition centers. MAM children will be treated by the CHAs at the community level. RUSF and RUTF will be procured and distributed. WV Canada will also contribute with a resource in kind contribution of two containers (1,800 boxes) of RUTF. Health technicians and medical doctors will be trained in the management of SAM and MAM cases. CHAs will be trained in the identification and referral of of SAM and MAM children as well as the treatment of MAM children at the community level. In addition, CHAs will conduct community education sessions on proper infant and young child feeding practices including exclusive breastfeeding, which is still very low in Angola. The immediate outcomes are:

1. Increased access to life saving nutrition treatment and prevention services for children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women.

2. Increased capacity of MOH staff and communities to identify, manage and prevent malnutrition of children U5.

Details for this Consultancy


Schedule 26 working days

Location of assignment Benguela municipalities of Ganda, Cubal, and Chongeroi.

The overall goal of this nutrition assessment is to establish the extent and the severity of acute malnutrition in three municipalities in Benguela province to ensure planned interventions are effective.


Objectives of the consultancy

I. To determine the prevalence of acute and chronic malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months
II. To determine the crude and under-five mortality rates
III. To determine the underlying causes of nutrition i.e. food security and IYCF practices

Survey Methodology
This survey will adopt a two stage cluster sampling, using SMART methodology. While the core SMART methodology focuses on nutrition and mortality, additional data will be gathered at the household level using structured questionnaires. The clusters will be selected using the probability proportional to population size (PPS) while the households will be selected using random sampling methods. The anthropometric and mortality data will be entered and analyzed in ENA for SMART 21st April, 2015 Version, while the other sections of the survey will be entered and analyzed in SPSS or STATA. The data collection teams will be trained and the training will include the standardization test, to ensure that the teams are able to take measurements accurately. To maintain the quality of the data, the consultant will check and review the entered data/information on the forms brought from the field teams, and verify this with the field team on a daily basis, to ensure quality during the whole survey exercise. Data plausibility results will be assessed and presented in team meetings every morning before leaving for the field. The anthropometric indicators will be presented using the WHO 2006 standards.

Consultant Task;
The Consultant is required to:
I. Using the SMART methodology, the consultant will design sample size calculation for anthropometric and retrospective mortality.
II. Train data collectors for the survey: Transfer skills in undertaking a SMART survey to World Vision staff.
III. Organize the survey: Ensure accurate data collection at field level. Ensure adequate supervision and coordination of the survey teams in the field and collect relevant reference materials for report writing.
IV. Data processing and Management; ensure accurate data entry and analyze data and compile a comprehensive nutrition/SMART survey report.
V. Reporting: The preliminary assessment report will be sent to WVI Nutrition Centre of Expertise (NCoE) and the nutrition cluster within 10 days of completion of data collection; the consultant will present preliminary findings of the survey and WV will endorse internally before sending to the Global SMART Technical team for validation. The final report will be submitted to WV NCoE within 1 week after validation of the preliminary report.

Required deliverables
The consultant is expected to provide:
I. SMART Survey protocol
II. SMART Survey full report
III. Dataset
IV. Power point presentation of findings.

• Protocol development: 2 days
• Training of data collectors and testing: 6 days
• Data collection: 9 days
• Data analysis and report writing: 9 days
Total: 26 days

Contact person for the Consultant:

Robert Bulten (Nutrition Project Manager)

Grenville Hopkinson (Country Director)
Profile of Consultant
• Significant experience (minimum of 3 years) in conducting similar surveys and assessments
• Advanced University degree in Nutrition, public health, sociology, anthropology or related discipline. S/he must have strong analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills.
• Qualified consultant who is fluent in spoken and written Portuguese and English.
• The consultant must have a strong background in statistics and data analysis. Familiar with ENA/SMART, Epi info, Epi nut and or any other relevant statistical package for this task.
• Excellent reporting and presentation skills.

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