Hello dear all
What would be the right way to work in urban areas? Would it be better to consider neighborhoods las the sampling unit (if the area is very large it will be a mammoth task for the door to door)? Or use the subdivision of population census mapping as the enumeration area (the enumeration area contains an average of 200 to 250 people and can be an entire neighborhood or part of a neighborhood).
Thank you

Take a look at this FEX article about SLEAC in Sierra Leone. The case-study "Case Study: Applying SLEAC: Sierra Leone National Coverage Survey" in the SQUEAC / SLEAC technical reference (pages 182-189) presents much the same information. Here we used census EAs. Also see the case-study "Case Study: Using Satellite Imagery to Assist Sampling in Urban Settings" in the SQUEAC / SLEAC technical reference (pages 157-165).

In the Mogadishu application we have no census or agreed. EAs UNOs and NGOs were working with a single low resolution satellite image and their own hand-drawn maps. I have found (in RAM-OP and S3M surveys) that the use of satellite images can be very useful if EA maps are lacking.

I hope this is of some use.



8 years ago
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