Dear colleagues,
I really need your help to participate in my study. I am looking for nutritionists to fill in a questionnaire (online survey). It is the last stage of my PhD. Without your opinions on the topic I will not be able to get meaningful findings. Can you help please?

Please click on the link below to participate in the study.

Please see below the survey introduction and feel free to send to your network.

Dear Colleagues,

We are inviting those with experience working in the nutrition sector in emergency and development contexts to participate in an online survey. The survey aims to identify contextual and process factors that need to be taken into account in order to promote the use of research findings among those working in the nutrition sector in disaster related settings in different phases of an emergency.

We hope that the findings of this research will be of strategic and instrumental value for future evidence-based decision-making. It is hoped that researchers in disaster settings will learn from your experience about which kind of research is most valued by you; how the organisation you work for may increase research use; and how the complexity of disaster work may affect research utilisation.

Participation in this study is voluntary and confidential.

Your participation in this study will be considered as a proof of your consent.

To participate in this study please click at the link below:

Thank you.

Researcher: Dr Bonnix Kayabu: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.


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