In the WHO guidelines for the "Updates on the Management of SAM in Infants and Children" one of the criteria for discharge for infants <6 months from inpatient to outpatient care is listed as (page 64-65, section 8.5):
"c. weight gain on either exclusive breastfeeding or replacement feeding is satisfactory, e.g.above the median of the WHO growth velocity standards or more than 5 g/kg/day for at least 3 successive days"
We are questioning this recommendation of only 5g/kg/day as adequate weight gain before discharge. Adequate weight gain in the WHO document "Managing newborn problems: a guide for doctors, nurses, and midwives" is defined as 15 g/kg/day.
Does anyone know where the 5 g/kg/day recommendation comes from? What are you using in your facilities? Could this just be a typo?
Thanks for your help.
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mrs mariam ramadan mohama
8 years ago