On 21 September 2016, the inaugural meeting of the new SUN Movement Lead Group was held at UNICEF HQ in New York in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly. A number of SUN Countries were invited to pose questions to the new Lead Group to inspire the discussion during the meeting. Watch the full event here: http://scalingupnutrition.org/news/global-champions-appointed-to-the-sun-movement-lead-group-to-spearhead-the-fight-against-malnutrition/. These questions are now being made available on the SUN Movement en-net forum to encourage the broader community to answer these challenging questions from SUN Countries. Please inspire us by sharing your thoughts below in response to this video from Malawi.

I will respond within the context in the African region...

1. 2017 is African Union year of the youth. Lets use this opportunity to have high-level presidential and permanent secretaries closed doors meeting to talk about nutrition and its importance. Lets come up with 6-key points that we want them to understand e.g...(it can be modified)..
...Nutrition as key to early child hood development.
....nutrition is beyond food like maize/cone, lets diversity to some climate resilient products like potatoes.
.....Nutrition must expand to livestock production, fish farming areas that young people can be easily empowered to partake and take charge because beyond food we are looking at the productivity side and opportunity for contribution to economic growth.
....invest in agricultural technology, move away from the hole and make it attractive to the youth..
...be healthy, use healthy food to avoid obesity and all the emerging non communicable diseases,
...link nutrition to sports, healthy bodies, more flexibility more will excel at Olympics and thus increased economic investment in our region.

Let us speak to these key points over and over again and let governments committee to a special deliverable within their development plans and provide indicators to these area.

Similar commitments must be made at country levels.
Advocacy and communication using all relevant mode of communication, debates and radio programmes on nutrition and young people.......

Above all implement youth led nutrition initiatives, could be production of crops or livestock; that way we go beyond the tal.....

Juliana Lunguzi


7 years ago

In context of Pakistan, we can engage Youth Parliament of Pakistan which is body of more than 100,000/ youth members. http://youthparliament.org.pk. Initially we can organize sessions to orient them about situation of malnutrition and then we can explain their role for addressing malnutrition. SUN Academia and Research Network Pakistan (SUNAR,Pak), a network of 46 degree awarding institutions can also help organizing youth groups in Pakistan.

Irshad Danish


7 years ago
This forum has been archived. Questions and answers are for reference only.