On behalf of the Irish and Ugandan partners of the NOURISH consortium, Trinity College Dublin would like to invite you to a half-day seminar entitled

The Interaction of HIV, Nutrition, and Poverty: Living with the Consequences
Moving from Research to Policy and Practice

The seminar will take place on Thursday 3rd November, from 9.30am-1pm, in the
Neill/Hoey Lecture Theatre at the Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin.

Researchers in medicine, economics, natural sciences and public health will present early research findings from three interlinked studies on nutrition, food security and HIV across Uganda. This will be followed by responses and discussion from researchers, practitioners and policy-makers working to address these challenges. Full programme available at https://www.tcd.ie/tidi/

Please RSVP to sglavey@tcd.ie to confirm your attendance.
This seminar will take place as part of Trinity Development Research Week organised by the Trinity International Development Initiative. All are welcome to attend.

Dear Sarah,

We have had several messages from people interested in the seminar, but due to the short notice they will not be able to join. Please can you let us know whether there will be any online streaming of the event or whether people can access the proceedings afterwards?

Many thanks,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago

Dear Sarah,

Thanks for sharing this information. Kindly share the proceedings of the meeting as well as the findings from these studies for our consumption.

Namukose Samalie


7 years ago

Many thanks for your interest in this seminar. We will post the presentations to the NOURISH Project Website https://www.tcd.ie/tidi/nourish/ following the event. I am also happy to take individual queries at sglavey@tcd.ie
Sarah Glavey, Project Manager/Research Fellow, NOURISH Project, Trinity College Dublin

Sarah Glavey


7 years ago
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