Hi All,
We are International organization leading nutrition intervention /cluster at provincial level.There is need for mapping exercise aiming to harmonize all nutrition interventions in Province with ‘Accelerated Action Plan for reduction of Stunting and Malnutrition’. This joint exercise lead by Province Government that will be helpful to avoid resources and effort as well as duplication of interventions. Further this exercise will create a platform and pool of experience, expertise, lessons learned and best practices, those will be helpful for implementation of the ‘Province Accelerated Action Plan for reduction of Stunting and Malnutrition’.

In this regards we required a effective tool on Nutrition Intervention Mapping Tool/Template that we can get updates from Partners and Sample copy of Acceleration Plan.

Looking Forward



For the mapping tool you can contact WFP Bangladesh for a comprehensive mapping done by the Joint Programme on FSN (MDG Achievement Fund) This mapping include both sensitive and specific interventions in different parts of the country. This combined with GIS can provide maps of provinces and sub provinces. Hope this is helpful.


Jyoti Dhingra


7 years ago


several tools have been developed by the UN Network/REACH Secretariat and can be made available to support stakeholder and nutrition action mapping at the country level.
For more information please contact us at: unnetworkforsun@wfp.org

With kind regards
UN Network for SUN

UN Network/REACH Secretariat


7 years ago

AS somali For the mapping tool can contacted with UNIECF for a comprehensive mapping done by the Joint Programme on UNICEF& MOH Achievements
The mapping issue has very sensitive and specific interventions in different parts of the country. This can not be combined with GPS, for sak of security, it can provide maps as estimation any where of provinces and sub provinces. or vellage to support maping as phone not personal contact,
for that maping can not reliezed the exisitance of crise in the country and updates



7 years ago

It is wonderful to hear of the different experiences in mapping nutrition interventions. The Bangladesh work I referred to had its roots in the UN REACH efforts
. It would also be useful to hear of the plans for updating maps, and the resources invested in sustaining these efforts. Would appreciate hearing from all who have had experience with this. Thanks!

Jyoti Dhingra


7 years ago
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