Dear colleagues,
You are kindly invited to participate in a survey conducted by the LSHTM and commissioned by the Sphere project and Elrha. This survey targets Sphere users as well as non-users and will inform the revision of the next edition of the Sphere handbook.

Your input would be very appreciated and we thank you in advance for completing the survey. It is anonymous and will take no longer than 10 minutes.

Best wishes,
Severine Frisson, on behalf of the Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre, LSHTM

Complete the survey here

This is typically something that would benefit from being translated into French, Spanish, other?
I am specifically thinking about different needs from francophone Africa, from which Sphere would, I think, benefit from inputs from government and NGOs in the field that do not necessarily feel comfortable in English.
Thank you,

Gwénola Desplats


7 years ago

Please find below the link to the survey in French.

Many thanks in advance for circulating it.
Severine, on behalf of the Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre, LSHTM

Contribuez à la nouvelle édition du manuel Sphère :

Severine Frison


7 years ago

The survey will be online for another week.
Please share with colleagues from other sectors.

Many thanks in advance!

Severine Frison


7 years ago
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