An upcoming inter-agency SMART Survey Manager Training organized by Action Against Hunger- Canada will take place from December 5th-9th, 2016 in Toronto, Canada. This training is intended for staff or persons involved in provision of technical support on nutrition and mortality surveys in their agencies. Persons who will benefit most from this training are:

1. Persons from organisations / institutions directly responsible for the planning, supervision and/or data analysis of nutritional surveys
2. Persons from organisations / institutions with experience in conducting nutritional surveys, but who need to improve their capacity using the SMART Methodology
3. Persons with a basic understanding of malnutrition and statistical principles.

The cost-recovery model will apply for this training owing to the reduction in direct funding for SMART Methodology training program. Therefore, a training fee of
USD 1,000 per participant will apply for the 5-day Survey Manager training.

All potential participants are highly encouraged to fill in the pre-selection form
for review by our team and selection of the most appropriate individuals to benefit from the training. The deadline to apply is Thursday, October 13th, 2016.

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