Dear en-net,
The IFE Core Group are currently updating the Ops Guidance on infant feeding in emergencies, in a initiative co-lead by UNICEF and ENN. We are documenting experiences regarding complementary feeding in emergencies to inform this update.

We particularly are looking to speak with regional and country progammers to hear from you regarding barriers, enablers, successes and challenges on complementary feeding in the broadest sense - from assessment of need, to food-related interventions (food, voucher, cash, mincronutrient supplementation), breastfeeding support, non-breastfed infant issues), issues around donations, to preparedness.

Capturing programming realities will both inform the content of the Ops Guidance and help prepare for challenges regarding putting it into practice.

An ENN consultant is available to conduct interviews over the coming 7-10 days. Please contact me ( if you can free some time to talk with us (max 1 hour and we will provide some questions in advance).

Thanks very much for considering this,

Warm regards

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