I would like to have your suggestions by level of responsibility (Ministry of Health, management of nutrition, the regional directorates, NGOs and UN agencies).
I am also interested in helpful links related to this issue.
Thank you for your response!

It simply must develop, extend the ENACT / ENAF courses (nutrition education courses organized by FAO in Africa) in all universities, colleges, primary schools; Train educators in nutrition and use them effectively. Integrate Nutritionists Dietitians in Nutrition Educators in all health facilities Establish monitoring / evaluation activities to assess the results and impact.



7 years ago

in africa particularly somali where i live number sever malnourished children in region and the city that many UN and international organization operating in, all that groups have local partners those have a value of human dignity , they misuse the property from world commuinty or donor by handling different hand, which cause needy people can 10% of relief aid donating to somali vulnerable commuity

the donors recieved only well proofed roports, they have any recommondation of accountiblity lvel



7 years ago

Dear Mr. Abdi Mohamed,

This is a very serious issue that you raise that requires local investigation. We will connect you with the Nutrition Cluster Coordinator for Somalia. There is considerable work happening regarding accountability to affected populations in Somalia, which the Nutrition Cluster is heavily involved with, with processes to identify (confidentially) problems, and investigate them.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago

Recurrence of malnutrition can be limited once we embark on more developmental programs that improve the livelihood of the community. Even in emergency life saving program if we focused alone on nutrition intervention other thinking in more integrated programs we will continue facing relapse and relapse.


Issack Yakub


7 years ago

Dear All
I hope there is misunderstanding about the questions raised and response same people (Ministry of Health, management of nutrition, the regional directorates, NGOs and UN agencies). has the key responsibilities, treatments of Malnutrition with the collaborations of the Nutrition clusters and other Actor's in the country, you can get full information, Somalia Nutrition cluster, although same funding gaps in place to straight for eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition.

Health and Nutrition Developments Society


7 years ago

Re: Mr. Abdi Mohamed;

Somalia Nutrition Cluster lead by UNICEF would like to encourage all stakeholders to report and/or inform any concern around emergency nutrition service delivery. As part of accountability to affected population framework we would like to guarantee that all necessary follow up and actions would be taken maintaining confidentiality. Email: somalia.nut@humanitarianresponse.info

Similarly, you are also free to report to UNRMU at administrator.rmu.so@one.un.org and ngoenquiries.rmu.so@one.un.org who will also handle the case confidentially so long as you provide detailed specifics around your concern.

Samson Desie


7 years ago

In order to limit the recurrence of malnutrition in africa,
1. Knowledge gap among stakeholders e.g chiefs, political leaders etc and particularly most front line workers.
2.High poverty among women in particular .
3.hygiene and nutritional practices such such Exclusive breastfeeding , IYCF practices, timely and adequate implementation of complementary food and age appropriate dieting .
4.birth and marriage practices , such as frequent -closed birthing , Non- acceptance of family planing methods, early marriages and marrying many women by men who can provide even one meal for themselves.
5.low skills capacities for both men and women in Africa.
So the above situation in africa have to address wholistically to ensure political leaders and other bodies to develop national policies on nutrition care on malnutrition.
Community leaders and all health professionals to have malnutrition part in their curriculum during schooling.
Other NGO should have should be talk to to ensure entire development to improve nutritional status of African.
We have to relate family size and nutrition and family planing as a key method to men of Africa , thus male involvement in Malnutrition issues (causes , management and the effect of large family sizes to the economic of the family and health impact.esp.Ghana.to ensure their acceptance to the FP .services.
Hospitals based management and routine capacity training to nurese and non- technical staffs in the hospital will help.as in most Africa esp.Ghana, people take in and practice what is told them more at the district hospital, regional etc as compare to the communities,thus strengthen and monitoring public health at all levels esp.facilities and updating the PAs and nurses to have the idea of surveillance and link between the OPC,SFP appropriately.



7 years ago

Thanks @Dr.Tamsin.



7 years ago
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