Hi all....I am looking for a research topic on management of acute malnutrition and I was wondering if there are already identified areas and topics.


Have a look on this article : Research Priorities to Improve the Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants Aged Less Than Six Months (MAMI)


Ambarka Youssoufane


8 years ago

A report from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the Harvard School of Public Health and the Overseas Development Institute (OD) identified research gaps on various health topics in humanitarian crises including in Nutrition specifically. The report is on the link below. May give you some leads.


Best wishes

Dr Charulatha Banerjee


8 years ago

The correct link is below. Apologies for the error in previous post. http://www.elrha.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Evidence-Review-22.10.15.pdf

Dr Charulatha Banerjee


8 years ago

Thanks Robert,
There a number of links to research topics related to management of acute malnutrition but the key is that you pay attention to the risk groups who are always the under-fives, Mothers of under-fives, those with chronic diseases and even other infectious diseases, the aged etc. It is also possible to specify the nature of acute malnutrition etc.

Thanks ,

Ilukor Geresom

Ilukor Geresom


8 years ago

Please also verify the CMAM Forum 'Research Topics Summary' and 'Research Tab':

CMAM Forum. Summary of Identified Research Topics for Management of Acute Malnutrition v1. Résumé des sujets de recherche identifiés pour la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe v1. Dec 2014.


Kind regards, Hedwig'



8 years ago

The research topic will also to a large extent depend on the specific research problem that the study seeks to address. The research problem, in respect to management of acute malnutrition, may differ among various target populations in different settings. There will also be different research gaps to be addressed in the different populations and settings. So it will certainly help if you start by being very clear about the research problem to be addressed in relation to the management of acute malnutrition.

Anselimo Makokha


8 years ago

Dear Robert,

Kwashiorkor or oedematous malnutrition is an under-researched area. You might want to read the report below, in which the authors have identified some research priorities (pp. 40-41), if this is an area you are interested in.

Putting child kwashiorkor on the map: http://www.ennonline.net/childkwashiorkor


Jessica Bourdaire


8 years ago
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